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Soviet Archives - Collection of Government Documents on WorkersFrom the Collection of enactment and decrees of the government for 1921, Administration of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
Download PDF this collectionNo. 8, article 50
Decree of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars.
On the Committees for General Labor Service (Regulation).
§ 1. In order to systematically implement universal labor service and combine the activities of various departments in this direction, the Main, Provincial, Uyezd, and, if necessary, the City Committees of the General Labor Service are created, which institutions are fully responsible for the actual implementation of all types and forms of labor duty.
§ 2. The Main Committee is directly subordinate to the Council of Defense and consists of three persons, one representative each from the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Internal Affairs, the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor and the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Military Affairs. The composition of the Main Committee is approved by the Council of Defense, the composition of local ones is approved by the respective Executive Committee.
§ 3. Provincial, City and County Committees are directly subordinate to the Provincial, City and County Executive Committees and consist of three persons, one representative each from the Military Commissariat, the Department of Administration and the Department of Labor.
Note . The Main Committee and local Committees on Labor Service are composed of representatives of the Central Statistical Office and its local bodies with an advisory vote.
§ 4. The tasks of the Main Committee for General Labor Service include:
a) Coordination of labor supply plans drawn up by production and economic bodies in general for individual sectors of the economy in order to attract the population to labor service and the correct distribution of available labor.
b) Establishing the procedure for the application of various forms of labor service, developing instructions for local committees on labor service issues, drawing up and submitting to the Defense Council draft relevant resolutions.
c) The use of the apparatus of various departments for the conduct of labor service, as well as the unification of their activities in this area.
d) Resolution of all issues arising in the course of labor service. § 5. The tasks of Provincial, City and Uyezd Committees include:
a) Announcement by special orders on the basis of a resolution of the Defense Council or the Executive Committees on the implementation of this or that labor service.
b) Consideration of requirements for labor for local needs and the establishment of a queue for their satisfaction, as well as the distribution of labor involved in the labor service.
c) The use of the apparatus of local bodies for the conduct of labor service, as well as the coordination of their activities.
d) Resolution of local issues related to the conduct of labor service.
e) The imposition of penalties in an administrative procedure within the limits determined by § 5 of the decree of January 29th p. (1920, No. 8, article 49 ).
§ 6. All decisions of the Main Committee of General Labor Service are binding on local (Provincial, City and County)
Committees; resolutions of the Provincial Committees are binding on city and county committees.
§ 7. In case of disagreement of the local Executive Committees with the decisions of the Main Committee on Labor Service, the Executive Committees will appeal such decisions to the Defense Council, but in no case suspend their actions.
Signed by:
Chairman of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin) .
Secretary S. Brichkina .
Published in No. 26 of the News of the All‐Russian Central Executive
Committee of Soviets dated February 5, 1920.