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Soviet Archives - Collection of Government Documents on WorkersFrom the Collection of enactment and decrees of the government for 1921, Administration of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
Download PDF this collection1920, No. 61‐62, Art. 276
Decree of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars.
General provisions on the tariff.
(Rules on the conditions of employment and remuneration of workers and employees of all enterprises, institutions and farms in the R.S.F.S.R.)
Table of contents.
Chapter I. General Provisions ............................. §§ 1‐4
Chapter II. Working hours .............................. §§ 5‐20
Chapter III. Performance standards .................. §§ 21‐30
Chapter IV. Distribution by tariff category ......... §§ 31‐40
Chapter V. Discipleship ................................. §§ 41‐46
Chapter VI. Tariff rates, norms and payment procedure.
Subchapter A. General .............................. §§ 47‐52
Subchapter B. On piecework payment ....................... §§ 53‐69 Subchapter B. On bonus payment ..................... §§ 70‐81
Subchapter D. Payment for overtime work ............... §§ 82‐87
Subchapter E. Issuance of tools and devices ..... §§ 88‐94
Subchapter E. Payment for marriage ............................. §§ 95‐96
Subchapter G. Payment in case of suspension of work ............ §§ 97101
Subchapter H. Payment for business trips ...................... §§ 102‐111
Subchapter I. Payment when moving ................... §§ 112‐122
Chapter VII. Rest time and holidays .................. §§ 123‐139
Chapter VIII. Reception and dismissal ....................... §§ 140‐154
I. General provisions.
§ 1. These rules apply to all state, civil, military departments, public and private enterprises, institutions and households existing on the territory of the RSFSR without exception.
§ 2. All previously issued decisions of central and local authorities in parts that contradict this provision are canceled.
§ 3. This provision shall enter into force on July 1st, 1920.
§ 4. Supervision over the implementation of this provision is entrusted to the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor and the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.
II. Working time.
§ 5. The duration of normal working time for all workers and employees employed both in production and in auxiliary work necessary for production is set at 8 oʹclock in the afternoon and 7 oʹclock at night, and daytime is considered to be from 6 am to 9 pm and at night from 9 pm to 6 am.
§ 6. In those enterprises where work is carried out partly during the day and partly at night, the normal length of working time for shift work or shifts is set at 8 hours, but in this case, every hours of nighttime for payment is considered an hour.
§ 7. On the initiative of the Trade Unions, for work that is especially difficult and harmful to health, the normal working hours may be shortened by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor by agreement with the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.
§ 8. The application of the general decisions of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor on the reduction of normal working hours in relation to each individual enterprise is permitted by the Trade Union in agreement with the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.
§ 9. In cases where the normal length of night working hours adversely affects the course of work of an enterprise or institution by disrupting production itself, the respective Trade Union is given the right to initiate before the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor the question of regulating the length of the night working hours.
§ 10. The normal length of working time for persons engaged in office work or other mental work is established at 6 oʹclock in the afternoon. For night work, ⅚ hours are counted as an hour.
§ 11. For office workers in industrial and transport enterprises whose work is directly related to production, the normal working hours are set at 8 oʹclock in the afternoon and 7 oʹclock at night (without overtime pay, but subject to a higher wage rate).
In the distribution of employees according to the wage categories, a special note is made regarding the length of working hours against the names of the above‐mentioned professions.
§ 12. For minors from 14 to 16 years of age who found themselves in industrial enterprises, farms, etc. before the publication of this regulation, the duration of the working time shall not exceed 4 hours.
§ 13. For adolescents under the age of 18, the working time is set at 6 hours.
Note . Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work at night. Deviations from this rule are possible in exceptional cases, only by a special resolution of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor and the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.
§ 14. The working hours of firefighters, housekeepers, repairmen (for example plumbers) and other workers of the same category, hired for permanent service, and paid monthly, may be divided into several parts of any length so that the number of breaks in work does not exceed 2 per day, and so that the total duration of working hours during the month does not exceed the normal monthly number of working hours.
§ 15. During normal working hours, workers must be given a break for rest and eating.
§ 16. The break time specified in § 15 is not included in the work time bill. Workers have their own break; in particular, they are given the right to leave the place of work during the break.
§ 17. Breaks, with regularly interrupted work, must take place no later than four to five hours after the start of work and their duration cannot be less than ½ hour and more than two hours. The duration of the break within the specified norms is established by the Professional Union in agreement with the plant management or the administration of the institution.
Note . For women who are breastfeeding, additional breaks must be established in accordance with the rules issued by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 18. The starting time of the working day and the time of breaks, since it is not specified in the legal provisions, is established by agreement of workers and employees with the administration of the enterprise, institution, farm, etc.
§ 19. If the nature of the work is such that it takes time to produce it that exceeds the normal length of working time established for the given branch of labor, then two or more shifts of workers may be employed to perform it.
§ 20. In case of shift work, each working group must perform work during normal working hours; the replacement of one group of workers by another group must take place at hours determined by the internal regulations and without disrupting the normal course of work.
III. Performance standards.
§ 21. Every worker, during a normal working day and under normal conditions, must perform an amount of work not less than the production rate established for the category and group in which the worker is enrolled.
§ 22. The production rates for all kinds of work in accordance with the general standards approved by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor are enforced by the local Rate Commissions and approved by the respective production union under the supervision of the local Councils (Bureau) of Trade Unions and the Labor Department.
§ 23. The basis for the definition of production rates are the statistical data of the enterprise on the average productivity of labor in the production of a given work for a certain period of time during which the work was performed under normal conditions; this information is verified by the data of experience and observation, as well as by scientific and theoretical calculations.
§ 24. Normal, in the sense of the previous article, conditions are:
a) good condition of machines, machines, tools and devices;
b) timely submission of materials and tools and everything necessary for the performance of work;
c) the proper quality of materials and tools;
d) proper hygiene and sanitary equipment and the condition of the premises where the work is performed (lighting, heating, etc.).
§ 25. When establishing production rates, all deviations from the normal conditions listed in the previous section must be accurately taken into account, and the respective Rate Commissions, with the permission of the Trade Union, are given the right to change the production rates depending on the size and nature of such deviations under the supervision of local Councils ( Bureau) Trade Unions and Department of Labor.
§ 26. When establishing the output standard, the Unions must firmly fix, especially for various branches of production, the number of days off per month.
§ 27. Unions are obliged to publish both the production rates themselves and the degree of their implementation and periodically, at least once every 3 months, check these standards; by revising them.
§ 28. Those who do not work out the established production rate receive wages according to the amount of work performed, but not less than two‐thirds of the wage rate due to them.
Note . For certain industries, the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor is provided, by agreement with the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, to lower the rate of the guaranteed part of the tariff rate or to cancel it altogether.
§ 29. Workers who do not systematically work out the established production rate in the absence of valid reasons may, by decision of the local Rate Commission, be transferred to another job within the same category or to a lower rate.
§ 30. If the failure to reach the output standards and the number of days off are the result of the workerʹs negligence or gross negligence, he may be dismissed without warning and without payment for two weeks and transferred to the disposal of the Labor Accounting and Distribution Department.
IV. Distribution by tariff category.
§ 31. Tariffs for each branch of labor are developed by the respective production Unions and approved by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 32. The preliminary distribution of workers and employees according to tariff categories is carried out by local Price Commissions in accordance with the tariff categories approved for this production.
33. Women who perform jobs of the same quantity and quality as men are paid on an equal basis with men.
§ 34. A worker or employee who actually performs work for which special knowledge or special training is required, is paid at the appropriate tariff rate even if he does not have an academic title (diploma; or certificate of special training).
Section 35. A worker or employee performing work of various grades shall be paid according to the highest of these wage grades.
§ 36. The enrollment of workers or employees in one or another wage category by the Rate Commissions must be carried out after an appropriate test.
§ 37. When a worker or employee is transferred from a lower wage level to a higher one, the difference in pay for the time of work in the lower level is not paid in addition.
Section 38. When a worker or employee, paid by the day or monthly, is transferred from the highest wage level to the lower labor, within the first two weeks after the transfer, he is paid at the highest wage rate.
§ 39. The enrollment of a worker or employee in the wage category, made by the local Rate Commission, loses its binding force when the employee moves to work in another company.
§ 40. The distribution of workers and employees according to tariff categories by the local Rate Commissions is carried out only after the approval of this distribution by the relevant production Union.
V. Discipleship.
§ 41. Students should not be distracted by any work that is not related to the study of their specialty.
Section 42. The earnings of apprentices are established on the basis of special fixed rates for apprentices.
§ 43. The term of apprenticeship is up to 2 years; for the study of more complex works, this period can be increased to 3 years.
§ 44. The determination of the period of apprenticeship for each branch of industry within the limits established by the previous paragraph is provided to the Central Committee of the respective production union.
Section 45. Pupils who have completed the study of a particular specialty within the prescribed period are subjected to a test. If the study of work in the same specialty was carried out by students in several enterprises, then when calculating the total period of apprenticeship, they count all the time spent on training. Pupils are given the right to be tested before the expiration of the prescribed period of apprenticeship.
§ 46. The work of adolescents who have passed the test and work 6 hours is paid in full according to the corresponding wage category (as for 8 hours of work).
Vi. Tariff rates, norms and payment procedure.
A. General part.
§ 47. Payment for all workers and employees, both state and private enterprises, institutions and farms, is made according to tariffs approved by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 48. When setting tariffs, the following are taken into account: the time required for the complete mastering of the profession, the harmfulness and danger of the conditions in which the work is performed, the severity of the work, as well as the degree of responsibility for their implementation.
§ 49. All workers and employees performing permanent work, their wages are paid monthly in two terms, on the 15th and on the penultimate day of each month. If the indicated days coincide with holidays or weekends, then the payment of earnings is made on the days preceding them.
§ 50. Payment of wages for temporary or casual work, if such last less than two weeks, is made immediately after the end of the work.
51. All payments to workers and employees must be made in cash during working hours.
§ 52. In the event that an enterprise or institution provides workers and employees with an apartment, table, food, etc., the cost of all security is withheld from earnings when it is issued. This rule does not apply to the cases provided for in Art. 88‐94 of these Regulations. B. About piecework payment for work.
§ 53. Work may be paid on a piece‐rate basis and on a bonus system in all cases when the plant management or the administration of the institution finds it appropriate.
§ 54. The calculation of piece or piece wages is made by dividing the wage rate of the category for which the daily wages are paid by the number of items set as the production rate. The quotient obtained from division represents the piece‐rate value of the development of one object.
§ 55. All pre‐existing rates of piecework must be revised and changed, in accordance with the rate, in the manner established by the previous article. The rates determined in this way should be introduced into life instead of the previous ones, regardless; on whether they will be higher or lower than the previous prices.
§ 56. After each decreed change in tariff rates and approval of new tariffs, piece‐rate releases must also be changed in the manner indicated in the previous §.
§ 57. The piece rates determined by the local Rate Commissions are approved by the respective Trade Union under the supervision of the local Councils (Bureau), Trade Unions and the Labor Department.
Section 58. Payment of piece rates is made only after approval by the Trade Union.
§ 59. Piece prices for casual, urgent or short‐term (not longer than 6 days) work may be introduced even before their approval by the production union. These prices are communicated to the Production Union, which has the right to cancel them and replace them with others, and further payment is made at the prices established by the Trade Unions.
Section 60. Upon the approval of the new piecework rate according to the procedure specified in the previous paragraphs, the piecework worker and employee are paid, from the date of the new rate approval, the difference between their actual earnings and the amount due at the new piece rate,
§ 61. The time spent on preparation for the performance of piecework is not specifically paid.
§ 62. In cases where the performance of piecework requires the preliminary production of special devices, entrusted by the administration of the enterprise to the same piecework worker, the production of such devices is considered a separate work and is paid separately based on the tariff machine corresponding to this work.
Section 63. Until the end of the piecework order, in payment for it, workers and employees receive wages in the established settlement periods in the amount of the wage rate of the category for which the work performed should be paid.
Section 64. At the end of the piecework order, a final settlement is made to the worker or employee, and all periodic payments referred to in the previous section shall be deducted from the amount of the full piecework pay due to them.
§ 65. In the event of non‐work on piecework along with the tariff rate, a deduction is made from subsequent receipts, the amount of this deduction shall not exceed one third of the tariff payment for the time spent on the performance of this piecework order.
§ 66. In cases where a worker leaves a piece work unfinished for reasons independent of him or at the request of the administration, the part of the work performed by him is paid according to the assessment made by the local Rate Commission; if it is impossible for the commission to make such an assessment, the worker is paid according to the average earnings for the last piece‐rate period.
67. In cases where a worker leaves a piecework order at will, the time spent by him to complete part of the order is paid not by piecework, but at the daily wage rate.
Section 68. The additional earnings of workers and employees resulting from the application of piecework wages must not exceed 100% of the normal wages, calculated at the daily wage rates. The Production Unions are allowed, in exceptional cases, to allow deviations from the above‐mentioned limit in the direction of its increase, but not otherwise than upon approval of such deviations by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 69. Adolescents admitted to piecework work are paid for the performance of these works at the same piecework rates as adults.
C) About premium payment.
§ 70. Bonuses have as their task an increase in labor productivity, by means of incentive payments for any increase of the established norm of productivity achieved by the working people, improvement of the quality of products and reduction of costs.
§ 71. General earnings rates, both collective for the whole enterprise or its parts, and individual, for repetitive work, are developed by the relevant economic body in agreement with the relevant Central Committee of the Trade Union and approved by the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 72. Any work and task performed within the established production rate are paid at the tariff rate and are not subject to any additional payment, except in cases of improving the quality of products.
Section 73. The bonus is established:
a) for all kinds of savings (saving time, materials, fuel, energy, etc.),
b) for improving the quality of products,
c) for technical improvements and improvements,
d) improving the organization (including downsizing).
§ 74. The types of bonuses are established as follows: 1) individual, 2) collective, group, artel, 3) production of an entire plant, a group of plants or factories.
Section 75. When introducing one or another of the bonus payment systems, the following shall apply:
a) a proportional bonus system where production rates are established and where special speed of implementation is required. The application of this system requires a mandatory periodic revision of production rates;
b) a differential system in industries where production rates can be established with the greatest accuracy, and the more accurate the production rate, the more it is possible to apply a progressive form of the differential system;
c) the bonus system for saving time (Roevaʹs system) should be applied mainly for repair work, for work with certain tasks in time.
§ 76. In each system of awards, the circle of persons to whom the award applies must be precisely defined. If the degree of influence of work participants on the increase in labor productivity is not the same, the degree of their participation (participation rate) should be indicated in accordance with the qualifications of the worker.
Section 77. Bonuses apply to:
1) workers directly involved in production; 2) technical personnel directly serving manufacturers, technical, as well as administrative and service personnel not directly involved in the production process, but managing its technical part; 3) members of plant management and enterprises; 4) the office staff of the premium production, if it is closely connected with the production itself and serves it.
Note 1 . The technical and administrative personnel of the Main Directorates, centers and production departments of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, as well as group offices, are rewarded according to the overall productivity of their factories.
Note 2 . Individuals, although directly involved in production or auxiliary work, but not able to have a direct impact on the increase in productivity, cannot be included in the number of persons awarded with a production bonus. All the aforementioned workers are rewarded individually or collectively only on the basis of their labor accounting.
Section 78. All types of additional wages must not exceed 200% of the wage rate in aggregate. Piecework are awarded in an amount not exceeding 100% of the tariff rate.
§ 79. One‐time bonuses for technical improvements are issued upon their approval by the production departments of the Supreme Council of the National Economy and the Central Committees of the industrial unions, upon the presentation of the Tariff‐Price Commissions and plant administrations.
§ 80. Instructions on the application of this provision in certain industries are developed by the production departments of the Supreme Council of the National Economy in conjunction with the relevant Central Committee of the Trade Union and approved by the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 81. The implementation of the bonus system is entrusted to the respective production bodies and the Central Committees of the respective production unions under the control of the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
D) Payment for overtime work.
§ 82. Work in excess of normal working hours (overtime work) is allowed in exceptional cases not exceeding 4 hours a day when the Production Union finds them necessary, and only with the permission of the Provincial Council of Trade Unions approved by the Provincial
Labor Department.
Note 1 . If it is necessary to increase the number of overtime hours, this can be done only with the permission of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
Note 2 . In cases where the urgent use of overtime work is necessary in order to prevent public disasters or danger to human life, the administration of an enterprise or institution is given the right to use overtime work on an emergency basis, immediately notifying the Provincial Labor Department.
Section 83. Overtime work is paid to all workers and employees at one and a half times the normal hourly wage.
§ 84. The normal hourly wage for workers and employees, paid monthly, is determined by dividing the monthly salary: for persons of 8‐hour labor by 200 and for persons of 6‐hour labor ‐ 150.
Section 85. Workers and employees who work piecework for overtime work shall be paid half of the hourly wages in addition to their piecework earnings.
Section 86. Workers and employees are paid for overtime work only if they work overtime on behalf of the administration of the enterprise or institution. Work performed by workers during overtime hours at their own request without the order of the work supervisors is not subject to payment.
Section 87. Work on holidays, not compensated for by other days of rest, performed on behalf of the administration of an enterprise or institution, is considered overtime and can only be performed with the permission of the relevant Trade Union.
E) Issuance of tools and devices.
Section 88. The enterprise, institution and farm provide the worker or employee with all the tools and devices necessary for the work.
§ 89. A worker or employee hired with his own tools (devices), in addition to the wage rate due to him, shall be paid special compensation for the cost of tools (devices) worn out at work.
§ 90. The amount of the repayment provided for in the previous § shall be calculated by the local Rate Commission by dividing the value of each instrument established by it by the number of months during which this instrument becomes unusable for a given job; the rate of redemption of the value of all instruments determined in this way is paid to their holders on a monthly basis.
Section 91. Industrial clothing special for workers or employees installed in an undertaking or institution shall be issued to them free of charge.
§ 92. In those enterprises, institutions or households where exceptional working conditions are associated with rapid wear or damage to clothing and shoes, workers and employees are provided with protective clothing and footwear free of charge according to special standards established by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 93. In cases where it is impossible to supply workers or employees with industrial or safety clothing and footwear free of charge, they are paid a special remuneration in excess of the wage rate due, the amount of which is determined by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor in agreement with the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.
§ 94. In all industries in which work is associated with special harm to health, workers must be provided with special neutralizing agents or nutrients (soda water, milk, etc.), as well as the necessary hygiene items (soap, towels, etc.). according to the standards developed by the labor protection department of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor. The determination of the persons to whom the above payments are made lies with the responsibilities of the local labor protection commissions and is approved by the Labor Inspector and the Sanitary Inspector.
E) Payment for marriage.
Section 95. A marriage not caused by the worker is paid at the normal wage rate. A workerʹs fault is paid for with two‐thirds of the wage rate. Marriage is not paid at all when the reason for it is a clearly negligent attitude towards work.
§ 96. The reason for the marriage is determined by the local Rate
G) Payment in case of suspension of work.
§ 97. In the event of a temporary suspension of the entire enterprise or its part for a period not exceeding 1 month, workers and employees employed in this enterprise who are not assigned to other work, for the entire period of downtime, continue to receive payment in the amount of 2 thirds of the due date, but not lower than the lowest wage rate, regardless of whether their work was paid prior to the suspension on a time basis, piece rate or on a bonus system.
§ 98. The payment referred to in the previous § is made only for working days, and the workers and employees receiving payment at the appointed hours are obliged to appear at the respective enterprise or institution at the mark.
§ 99. Downtime payable on the basis of the previous §§ is considered only the time during which workers or employees were outside the company, institution or farm and were not engaged in any work on behalf of the administration by order of the administration. The time during which workers or employees are delayed by order of the administration within an enterprise, institution or economy is not considered idle time and is subject to payment in full at the appropriate tariff rates, even if during this period the workers or employees did not actually perform any work.
§ 100. In case of incomplete stop of the workshop (workshop, department, etc.) or its part, the administration of the enterprise, institution or farm has the right to distribute workers and employees to other works or workshops. with the consent of the local subdivision of labor distribution; in this latter case, workers and employees are paid according to the tariff rates of those categories to which the work actually performed by them is attributed.
§ 101. In the event of the suspension of an enterprise, institution or farm for a period of more than one month, the workers or employees employed by it are placed at the disposal of the local Subdivision of Accounting and Distribution of Labor and are provided as unemployed, and any payment to them by the enterprise ceases.
H) Payment for business trips and trips.
§ 102. Workers and employees sent to perform work to places outside the boundaries of their place of permanent employment, but within the city, are paid only travel expenses (if these travels were authorized by the head of the institution or enterprise, and no other surcharges produced.
Section 103. In localities with tram, horse or any other means of mass movement, traveling workers and employees sent to work within the boundaries of the settlement are paid at the rate of these modes of movement.
§ 104. When traveling to work in a suburban area, workers and employees are paid trips at the cost of suburban traffic, as well as daily money in the amount of the monthly rate of their tariff category, divided by 60, not less than ½ the lowest tariff rate.
Note . A suburban area is considered to be served by a railway, steamship, omnibus or other service that operates at least once every 4 hours. Where the above communication is absent, a suburban area is considered to be located in a circle along a radius of up to 30 versts.
§ 105. All workers and employees in enterprises, institutions and farms on business trips to areas located outside the suburban area are paid at their actual cost: travel and carriage of one pound of personal luggage by rail, by boat or by horse along dirt roads.
In addition, they are paid the expenses: a) for travel in places of departure, arrival and travel, at the actual cost, if these travels were allowed by the head of the enterprise or institution; b) renting premises at stops with heating, lighting and registration of documents.
§ 106. In addition to the reimbursement of expenses specified in the previous paragraph, workers and employees posted to an area located outside the suburban traffic receive a daily allowance in the amount of the monthly wage rate divided by 30, but not less than the minimum daily wage rate.
§ 107. The daily money referred to in the previous paragraph, both for the time spent by employees and workers at the place of business trip, and during the time of traveling on a business trip and back, is calculated according to the higher of those tariff zones to which the place of permanent work or place business trips.
Section 108. The day of departure on a business trip and the day of return from it are considered full days.
§ 109. Those on business trips continue to receive a basic payment in the amount of the rates of their place of permanent service or work.
Section 110. Overtime work is paid to employees and workers on business trips only if certified by the supervisors.
§ 111. In the event that workers or employees sent on a business trip receive a vacation, the payment of daily allowance for the duration of the vacation is terminated.
I) Payment when moving.
§ 112. All lonely workers and employees during the movement caused by evacuation, unloading, etc., receive a one‐time non‐refundable allowance in the amount of their monthly wage rate, but not less than 25th grade and not more than 35th grade.
§ 113. All family workers and employees in the cases specified in the previous §, in addition to personal allowance, receive an additional non‐refundable allowance for each family member moving with him in the amount of the lowest tariff rate of the area from which the worker is moving.
§ 114. Information about the composition of a family moving with a worker or employee must be submitted to the administration of the enterprise, institution, etc. within the time period established for this by the administration in agreement with the factory committee or the committee of employees, and where they are not available to the district commissariat. The family is considered to be a dependent person, regardless of relationship.
Section 115. In addition to the cost of travel, workers and employees who are moving are paid a basic monthly or daily wage at the tariff and daily money for the entire time they are on the way to their destination.
§ 116. All those appointed for resettlement must be issued with the lifting money due to them and their families in the amount of ⅔ of the amounts specified in §§ 112‐115 7 days before their departure. The remaining third is issued upon arrival at the site. Lifting money is issued in the amount corresponding to the number of people actually leaving.
Note . In cases where the families of departing workers and employees are sent to a new destination not at the same time, but not later than three months, all the rules for payment on movement set out in the previous §§ must be observed in relation to moving families.
§ 117. Three days before departure from the duty station, all departing persons must be released to arrange their affairs, and payment for these three days is made only at the tariff without any surcharges.
§ 118. The moved are given three days to set up their affairs in the place of new appointment, counting from the day of arrival, after which they must appear at their work.
§ 119. Those moved or evacuated together with the company undertake to perform, without special payment, all work related to their relocation or the transportation of the companyʹs inventory, both at the place of departure and at the place of new destination. Persons who refuse to perform the above jobs are subject to dismissal and are calculated on the day of dismissal without any issuance of any lifting benefits.
§ 120. All workers and employees of the relocated or evacuated enterprise, recognized as ineligible for relocation (evacuation), as well as all those who refuse to relocate (evacuation) receive a calculation on a general basis and are transferred to the disposal of the subdivisions of accounting and distribution of labor.
§ 121. Workers and employees who have received lifting money for travel and who have not arrived at their new destination due to their own fault are considered dismissed. The lifting money issued to them shall be subject to administrative collection.
§ 122. Families of workers and employees who have arrived at the place of new assignment within three months from the date of receipt of the evacuation allowance are obliged to return all the amounts they received for travel as belonging.
Vii. Rest time and holidays.
Section 123. All workers shall be granted a weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours. The days of weekly rest are established by the local Councils of the Industrial Unions and can be assigned both on Sundays and on any other day of the week.
§ 124. Those of the workers in enterprises, institutions or farms who, due to the working conditions, cannot take advantage of the generally established weekly rest day (for example, watchmen, couriers, janitors, etc.), rest must be provided on other convenient days off for them of the same month, by agreement with the administration. The same rule applies to persons working in enterprises whose activities are continuous in nature. In these latter enterprises, instead of the generally established day of rest, special days off are determined for each group of workers.
Section 125. Work must not be performed on the following days:
a) January 1 ‐ New Year;
b) January 22 ‐ January 9, 1905;
c) March 12 ‐ the overthrow of the autocracy;
d) March 19 ‐ the day of the Paris Commune;
e) May 1 ‐ International Day;
f) November 7 ‐ the day of the Proletarian Revolution.
§ 126. Local Councils of Production Unions, with the consent of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor, may establish, in addition to those specified in the previous paragraph, special days of rest, not more than 10 per year, coordinating these holidays with local conditions, the composition of the population, local folk holidays, etc. The public holidays established on the basis of this paragraph are announced by the Soviets of the Production Unions for general information through the Local Councils of Workers, Peasants, Red Army and Cossack Deputies.
§ 127. On the eve of the weekly rest days (except for holidays referred to in §§ 125 and 126 of these Regulations), the length of the working day is set at 6 hours.
Note . For workers referred to in § 124 of this Regulation (watchmen, couriers, janitors, doormen and workers in continuous production), on the eve of weekly rest days, a normal 8‐hour working day may be established, provided that the excess hours worked are paid as for overtime.
§ 128. No deduction is made from the salary of workers and employees receiving monthly wages for the days specified in §§ 125 and 126.
§ 129. Workers and employees receiving hourly or monthly wages are paid on the pre‐holiday days as full‐time.
§ 130. Workers paid by the day receive no pay for the days specified in §§ 125 and 126.
Section 131. Workers and employees working on piecework, in addition to their piecework earnings, for each pre‐holiday day shall be paid extra for 2 hours at the appropriate tariff rate.
§ 132. All workers by enterprises or institutions must be granted leave, on the basis of the Regulations established by the relevant decrees of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.
§ 133. The use of vacations can take place throughout the year, but must not interfere with the normal course of work in the enterprise, institution, or farm.
Note . The Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor may issue special decrees establishing certain periods of leave. In such cases, leave may only be permitted within the specified time frame.
§ 134. The time, procedure and queue for the use of vacations must be established by agreement between the administration of an enterprise, institution, farm, etc. and the factory committee or a committee of employees.
§ 135. In enterprises where there are no organizations specified in the previous § 134, the queue of vacations is established by mutual agreement of the workers with the administration. In the event of a disagreement, the issue of establishing a vacation queue is finally resolved with the participation of a representative of the Management Board of the Production Union.
§ 136. The use of leave can be noted in the payroll or workbook.
Section 137. It is prohibited to carry out paid work while on vacation.
Section 138. The sick leave granted to workers in accordance with the established procedure is not included in the vacation time.
Section 139. Unused holidays are not additionally paid. If the vacation has not been used in a given year, then next year it can be extended for an unused period, the summation of leaves for more than 2 years is not allowed.
VIII. Admission and dismissal.
§ 140. Minors under 16 years of age, with the publication of this Regulation, are not accepted to work in enterprises, institutions and farms at all.
Section 141. Minors between the ages of 16 and 18 may be admitted to the respective enterprises or institutions to study and prepare for jobs as apprentices.
§ 142. In the case of a long‐term nature of work, the final acceptance for work is preceded by a test for not more than 6 days for workers and two weeks for persons of clerical and mental work. For especially responsible and qualified types of mental and office work, the test time can be increased to one month.
§ 143. The test is established by the local Rate Commission and should be timed as close as possible to the nature of the work to which the subject is invited. The material for testing can be the execution of the current work.
§ 144. Depending on the results of the test, the examinee is either finally recruited or expelled. In the latter case, he is calculated during the test at the tariff rates of the category to which he was assigned by the local Rate Commission when he was admitted to the test.
Section 145. Dismissal of a worker or employee from work in an enterprise, institution and farm is permitted in the following cases:
a) as a result of the complete or partial liquidation of this institution, enterprise, farm, etc., or when certain works or duties are abolished;
b) due to suspension of work for a period of more than one month;
c) due to the expiration of the term for performing the work, if the work was of a temporary nature;
d) due to unsuitability for work, if it becomes clear after a preliminary test;
e) as a result of violation of this Regulation or internal rules;
f) due to misdemeanors of a criminal nature;
g) due to non‐attendance at work due to illness lasting more than 2 months, or due to pregnancy and childbirth lasting more than 4 months;
h) as a result of movement in the order of labor service to other enterprises.
§ 146. Persons dismissed from work are placed at the disposal of the local Labor Records and Distribution Subdivision, whereby the documents and identification of the dismissed person are sent by the enterprise to the said subdivision.
Note . It is allowed to leave the service from private enterprises, institutions and farms at personal request without 2 weeksʹ notice.
§ 148. Workers and employees dismissed on the basis of paragraphs ʺaʺ, ʺbʺ, ʺcʺ, ʺdʺ of the previous paragraph, are warned about dismissal two weeks in advance. In cases where such a warning has not been given, the dismissed shall be paid in advance for 12 days severance pay at the corresponding daily wage rate.
Note . The daily wage for workers who are paid monthly is determined by dividing the salary by 25.
§ 149. In the event that persons who have received severance pay enter a new job before the expiration of two weeks, they will have at their disposal only that part of the benefit received, which is due to them for the time spent without work, that is, from the moment of dismissal to the day of the new admission to work. The rest is withheld from the next paycheck and transferred to the treasury.
§ 150. Dismissal of workers and employees on the basis of paragraphs “e” and “g” of § 145 of these Regulations is made without any warning, with payment on the day of settlement. Determination of the nature of the reasons for dismissal is provided to the administration of the enterprise, institution or farm in agreement with the local Pricing Commissions.
§ 151. The administration of the enterprise shall warn the Subdivision of Accounting and Distribution of Labor Force a week in advance of the dismissal of a worker.
§ 152. The final period of service of a worker or employee is the day of actual retirement from work.
§ 153. Workers or employees hired to perform any specific work, or for a specific period, and warned about this when hiring, do not receive any additional benefits when calculating.
§ 154. Missed working days, except for the permitted regular vacations, regardless of the reasons that caused the absenteeism, are not paid by the enterprise, institution, etc. Persons who did not show up for work due to temporary disability (illness, injury, motherhood, quarantine, the need to care for sick family members, etc.) receive benefits according to the established rules on social security of workers.
Signed by:
Chairman of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin) .
Administrator of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars Vlad. BonchBruevich .
Secretary L. Fotieva
June 17, 1920.