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Soviet Archives - Collection of Government Documents on WorkersFrom the Collection of enactment and decrees of the government for 1921, Administration of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
Download PDF this collectionAbout mobilization of specialists in printing industry. ( Izv. No. 123, (S. U. 50‐267 ).
Article No. 267.
Resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense.
About mobilization of specialists in printing industry.
In view of the urgent need to provide printing production with a sufficient number of printing specialists, the Labor and Defense Council decides:
To announce the mobilization of citizens from 18 to 50 years old, inclusive, who served in printing houses, lithographs, short‐press, zinc‐printing, stitching, bookbinding and other enterprises for the production of printing and embossing products, whatever they are called or who owned enterprises. The following categories are subject to mobilization:
a) Administrative and technical personnel: technical managers of enterprises and their assistants, senior technicians, senior printers; b) typesetting department: manual typesetters, typesetters on the ʺmonotypeʺ, ʺlinotypeʺ, ʺtypographerʺ and the typesetter instructor; c) printing department: printers on rotary, flat and American presses, overlayers, rolls; d) stereotyped department: stereotypes, electroplating plastics, cartoons; e) type‐casting department, type‐molders, adjusters, material‐makers, pickers, grinders, cutters, line‐and‐type finishers, ditters; f) photozincography: photographers, grid and line, copiers, engravers, toners, printers; lithographic: stone engraver, metal engraver, notoengraver, zinc translators, etchers, copiers, electroplating, translators on stone, chromolithographs, touch painters, printers, overlayers; g) rubber stamp department: woodcut printers (wood engravers, vulcanizers), h) bookbinding department: book binders, bookbinder, number maker, ruler, seamstress, cutter, cartoners, box makers, converters.
2. Persons currently in the service are not subject to a mobilization turnout:
a) in the printing department of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, provincial and regional printing departments and their subordinate institutions and enterprises. All the aforementioned persons from the moment of publication of this decree are considered labor‐mobilized and remain at their places of work; b) in lithographs, printing houses and other print production establishments subordinate to the Military and Naval Commissariat.
3. All citizens of the above categories subject to mobilization are obliged to immediately, with the publication of this resolution, appear at the nearest local provincial, county Labor Department to fill out mobilization cards according to the following model: 1) name, patronymic and surname, 2) what position he held or what work he performed in the printing industry and how long he did this work, 3) age, 4) the current position, and from what time (exactly indicate the name or address of the enterprise and which Glavka or Center it is subordinated to), the type of occupation of the mobilized person, is it an elective position or by appointment, 5) the place of residence of the mobilized.
4. After filling out the mobilization cards, the conscripts remain in their places and are obliged to appear at the disposal of the local Labor Departments within 3 days from the date of receipt of the notice of attendance.
5. The Military and Naval Departments undertake to submit to the Printing Department a list of persons of the specified specialties who are serving in the Military and Naval Departments.
Note . Persons of the above specialties released from the army and navy on an indefinite leave are subject to attendance at the Labor Department on an equal basis with individual citizens.
6. The mobilization of specialists in the printing industry, in accordance with this resolution, should be completed within 3 days from the date of receipt of this.
7. The distribution of the mobilized is carried out through the Labor Department by the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor in accordance with the approved requirements of the Printing Department of the Supreme Council of the National Economy.
8. The institutions in whose service the mobilized are given the right to apply to the postponement commissions at the Labor Departments to leave them at their former duty station.
9. Persons hiding their previous service in printing production are subject to liability on an equal basis with malicious deserters, as are their superiors guilty of harboring.
Signed by:
Chairman of the Council of Labor and Defense V. Ulyanov (Lenin).
Secretary of Labor and Defense L. Fotieva .
May 25, 1921.
Published in No. 123 of the News of the All‐Russian Central Executive
Committee of Soviets on June 7, 1921.