The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre
Heard Before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the
August 19-24, 1936 (Moscow)
Terroristic Acts Against Comrades Voroshilov, Zhdanov, Kaganovich
III. Organization by the United Trotskyite-Zinovievite Centre of
Terroristic Acts Against Comrades Voroshilov, Zhdanov, Kaganovich,
Kossior, Orjonikidze and Postyshev
The materials of the investigation have established that the united
Trotskyite-Zinovievite terrorist centre, after it had killed Comrade
Kirov, did not confine itself to organizing the assassination of
Comrade Stalin alone. The terrorist Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre
simultaneously carried on work to organize assassinations of other
leaders of the Party, namely, Comrades Voroshilov, Zhdanov,
Kaganovich, Kossior, Orjonikidze and Postyshev.
The accused Reingold testified that Zinoviev, while speaking of the
necessity of assassinating Comrade Kirov as Comrade Stalin's closest
assistant, added:
"It is not enough to fell the oak; all the young oaks growing around
it must be felled too." (Vol. XXVII, p. 70.)
According to Reingold's testimony:
"Zinoviev's main instructions amounted to the following: the blow
must be directed against Stalin, Kaganovich and Kirov." (Vol. XXVII,
p. 63.)
The accused Reingold confirmed that:
"The expectations of the united centre were based on a plan to cause
complete confusion in the Party and in the country by stunning
simultaneous blow in Moscow and Leningrad." (Vol. XXVII, p. 163.)
Various terrorist groups operating under the general leadership of
the united centre attempted to carry out the assassinations of
Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Zhdanov, Kossior, Orjonikidze and Postyshev.
Thus, the organization of the terroristic act against Comrade
Voroshilov was the work of Dreitzer's group, which reseived
instructions to murder Voroshilov directly from Trotsky, and of the
group of the Trotskyite M. Lurye, which was sent over from Germany
for the same purpose.
In regard to preparations for the assassination of Comrade
Voroshilov, the accused Mrachkovsky, one of the members of the
united centre testified:
"In the middle of 1934, E. Dreitzer reported to me that
simultaneously he was organizing the assassination of Voroshilov,
for which purpose Dimitri schmidt, who was a commander in the army
and under no suspicion in the Party, was to be prepared. It was
presumed that he would kill Voroshilov either while reporting to him
on service matters, or during the next manoeuvres at which
Voroshilov would be present." (Vol. XVIII, p. 49.)
The accused Dreitzer, examined at the office of the State Altorney
of the Soviet Union on July 31, tetified on this point:
"For the purpose of committing the terroristic act I recruited
Esterman and Gayevsky, and in 1935 Schmidt and Kuzmichev. The latter
two undertook to kill Voroshilov." (Vol. X, p. 195.)
The testimony of Mrachkovsky and Dreitzer was also confirmed by the
accused Reingold, who testified as follows:
"I learned from Mrachkovsky and Dreitzer that in the summer of 1933
a Trotskyite group of military men was organized under the
leadership of Dreitzer. The group consisted of Schmidt, commander of
a brigade of the Red Army, Kuzmichev, chief of staff of a military
unit, and a number of other persons whose names I do not know. I
learned from Dreitzer that Schmidt and Kuzmichev were to carry out
personally the terroristic act against Voroshilov and that they had
agreed to do so. It was planed that for this purpose they would
either take advantage of an official reception by Voroshilov, or of
Voroshilov's visit to one of their military units." (Vol. XXVII, pp.
165, 166.)
The investigation has also established that in the same period, a
number of terrorist groups (those of Dreitzer, M. Lurye and others)
were organizing attempts on the lives of Comrades Zhdanov,
Kaganovich, Orjonikidze, Kossior and Postyshev.
Definition of the Charge
Analyzing the above, the investigating authorities consider it
1) That in the period of 1932-1936 a united Trotskyite-Zinovievite
centre was organized in the city of Moscow with the object of
committing a number of terroristic acts against the leaders of the
C.P.S.U. and the Soviet Government for the putpose of seizing power.
2) That of those accused in the present case, G. E. Zinoviev, L. B.
Kamenev, G. E. Evdokimov and I. P. Bakayev entered the united
Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre from the Zinovievites and I. N.
Smirnov, V. A. Ter-Vaganyan and S. V. Mrachkovsky from the
3) That during this period, the united Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre
organized a number of terrorist groups and prepared a number of
practical measures to assassinate Comrades Stalin, Voroshilov,
Zhdanov, Kaganovich, Kirov, Kossior, Orjonikidze and Postyshev.
4) That one of these terrorist groups, operating on the direct
instructions of Zinoviev and L. Trotsky and of the united
Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre, and under the immediate direction of
the accused Bakayev, carried out the foul murder of Comrade S. M.
Kirov on December 1, 1934.
The accused in this case: G. E. Zinoviev, L. B. Kamenev, G. E.
Evdokimov, I. P. Bakayev, V. A. Ter-Vaganyan, S. V. Mrachkovsky, E.
A. Dreitzer, V. P. Olberg, Fritz David (I. I. Kruglyansky), E. S.
Holtzman, R. V. Pickel, I. I. Reingold, K. B. Berman-Yurin, M. Lurye
and N. Lurye have fully admitted their guilt of the charges
preferred against them.
The accused I. N. Smirnov, acknowledging his participation in the
united centre of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc, his personal
connection with L. Trotsky and his meetings with L. Sedov while
abroad in 1931, and also the fact that he maintained connection with
Trotsky right up to the time of his arrest in 1933, admitted that in
1931 instructions were conveyed to him by Sedov, and confirmed in
1932 by Trotsky to organize terror against the leaders of the
C.P.S.U. and the Soviet State and that these instructions served as
the basis of the organization of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc.
At the same time, the accused I. N. Smirnov categorically denies
that he took part in the terroristic activities of the united
Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre . However, the accused I. N. Smirnov
is proved to have participated in the terroristic activities of the
united centre by the evidence of the accused S. V. Mrachkovsky (Vol.
XXIX, pages 76-84), E. A. Dreitzer (Vol. XXXI, page 63), A. N.
Safonova (Vol. XXXI, page 295), I. I. Reingold (Vol. XXXI pages 138,
284), G. E. Zinoviev (Vol. XII, page 35), L. B. Kamenev (Vol. XV,
page 28), G. E. Evdokimov (Vol. XXXVI, pages 9, 10), R. V. Pickel
(Vol. XXXI, page 78).
On the basis of the above:
1. Zinoviev, Grigori Evseyevich, born in 1883, employee, convicted
in 1935 in the Zinovievite "Moscow cetre" case;
2. Kamenev, Lev Borisovich, born in 1883, employee, convicted in
1935 in the same "Moscow centre" case;
3. Evdokimov, Grigori Eremeyevich, born in 1884, employee, convicted
in 1935 in the same "Moscow centre" case;
4. Bakayev, Ivan Petrovich, born in 1887, employee, convicted in
1935 in the same "Moscow centre" case;
5. Mrachkovsky, Sergei Vitalevich, born in 1888, employee;
6. Ter-Vaganyan, Vagarshak Arutyanovich, born in 1893, employee;
7. Smirnov, Ivan Nikitich, born in 1880, employee - are accused of
having the first six in the period of 1932 to 1936, and I. N.
Smirnov since 1931
a) organized a number of terrorist groups which were making
preparations to assassinate Comrades Stalin, Voroshilov, Zhdanov,
Kaganovich, Kirov, Kossior, Orjonikidze and Postyshev;
b) organized and carried out on Dec. 1, 1934, the foul murder of
Comrade S. M. Kirov, through the Leningrad underground terrorist
group of Nikolayev-Kotolynov and others; ie., of crimes covered by
Articles 58 and 58 of the Criminal Code of the R.S.F.S.R.
8. Dreitzer, Ephim Alexandrovich, born in 1894, employee;
9. Reingold, Isak Isayevich, born in 1897, employee;
10. Pickel, Richard Vitoldovich, born in 1896, employee;
11. Holtzman, Edouard Solomonovich, born in 1882, employee,
12. David, Fritz, alias Kruglyansky, Ilya-David Israilevich, born in
1897, employee;
13. Olberg, Valentine Pavlovich, born in 1907, employee;
14. Berman-Yurin, Konon Borisovich (alias Alexander Fomich ), born
in 1901, employee;
15. Lurye, Moissei Ilyich (alias Alexander Emel ), born in 1897,
16. Lurye, Nathan Lazarevich, born in 1901, employee - are accused
of that, being members of the underground terrorist Trotskyite-Zinovievite
organization, they took part in the preparations to assassinate
Comrades Stalin, Voroshilov, Zhdanov, Kaganovich, Kossior,
Orjonikidze and Postyshev; ie., crimes covered by Articles 19 and
58, 58 of the Criminal Code of the R.S.F.S.R.
L. Trotsky and his son L. L. Sedov, both of whom are abroad, having
been exposed by the materials in the present case as having directly
prepared and personally guided the work of organizing in the
U.S.S.R. terroristic acts against the leaders of the C.P.S.U. and of
the Soviet State, in the event of their being discovered on the
territory of the U.S.S.R., are subject to immediate arrest and trial
by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R.
The cases of Gertik, Grinberg, Y. Gaven, Karev, Kuzmichev, Konstant,
Matorin, Paul Olberg, Radin, Safonova, Faivilovich, D. Schmidt, and
Esterman, in view of the fact that investigation is still
proceeding, have been set aside for separate trial.
In view of the above and in accordance with the decision of the
Central Executive Committee of the U.S.S.R. of Aug. 11, 1936, all
the above-mentioned persons are subject to trial by the Military
Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R. in open court
The present indictment was drawn up in the city of Moscow on Aug.
14, 1936.
A. VYSHINSKY, State Attorney of the U.S.S.R.
After the reading of the indictment, the President of the Court
questions in turn all the accused whether they plead guilty as
charged. The accused Zinoviev, Kamenev, Evdokimov,
Bakayev,Ter-Vaganyan, Mrachkovsky, Dreitzer, Reingold, Pickel,
Olberg, Berman-Yurin, Fritz David (Kruglyansky), M. Lurye and N.
Lurye plead guilty on all charges. The accused I. N. Smirnov,
admitting that he belonged to the united centre of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
bloc, that he had been in personal communication with Trotsky and
had received Trotsky's instructions to organize terror against the
leaders of the C.P.S.U. and the Soviet State, and admitting his
political responsibility for the activities of the united centre,
denies only his personal participation in the preparation and
execution of terroristic acts.
The accused Holtzman admits having belonged to the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
terrorist organization, having been in personal contact with the
Trotskyite centre abroad, and having brought Trotsky's personal
instructions to organize terroristic acts in the U.S.S.R. He denies
only his own personal participation in the preparation of
terroristic acts.
After a recess of 15 minutes, the court at 1:45 p. m. proceeds to
examine the accused.