The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre
Heard Before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the
August 19-24, 1936 (Moscow)
Vyshinski: Comrades judges, comrades members of the Military
Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union: For three days
you have very carefully and with the greatest attention examined the
evidence and proof submitted to you by the State Prosecution against
the people sitting here in the dock charged with having committed
the gravest crimes against the state. With the greatest possible
care you have subjected to investigation and judicial scrutiny every
one of these proofs, every fact, every event, every step taken by
the accused, who in the course of many years added crime to crime in
their struggle against the Soviet state, against the Soviet power,
against our Party and against the whole of our Soviet people.
Horrible and monstrous is the chain of these crimes against our
socialist fatherland; and each one of these crimes deserves the
severest condemnation and severest punishment. Horrible and
monstrous is the guilt of these criminals and murderers, who raised
their hand against the leaders of our Party, against Comrades
Stalin, Voroshilov, Zhdanov, Kaganovich, Orjonikidze, Kossior and
Postyshev, against our leaders, the leaders of the Soviet state.
Monstrous are the crimes perpetrated by this gang wich not only made
preparations to commit terroristic acts, but actually murdered one
of the best sons of the working class, one of the most devoted to
the cause of socialism, one of the most beloved disciples of the
great Stalin, the fiery tribune of the proletarian revolution, the
unforgettable Sergel Mironovich Kirov.
But monstrous as these crimes are, and however profoundly we may
have been stirred and digusted by this nightmare of horrible crime,
you, comrades judges, as befits a Soviet court and Soviet justice,
have been weighing and appraising very calmy the facts which came
before you in connection with the criminal activities of these
persons whose names have long ago been covered with contempt and
disgrace in the eyes of the whole people.
We have now come to the end of our judicial proceedings. We are
making the final summary. We are drawing our last deductions in
preparation, within a few hours, perhaps, to hear your verdict, the
verdict of the Court of the land of Soviets which demands and
expects from you a just, unfaltering and implacably stern decision
concerning the fate of these people, these contemptible murderers,
these vile and insolent enimies of the land of Soviets,of the Soviet
We are building a new, socialist society, a new, Soviet state, under
the difficult conditions of class struggle, amidst the fierse
resistance of the last remnants of the exploiting classes which we
have routed and utterly crushed.
Every step in our progress is accompanied by desperate resistance on
the part of our enemies who rouse against us all the forces of the
old world, all the filth, all the scum of the old society, who
mobilize and throw into the struggle against us the most criminal,
the most hardened, the most incorrigible, decayed and dishonest
Lenin taught us that "there has never been a single deep and mighty
popular movement in history without filthy scum," without the
bourgeois and petty-bourgeois element flighting against the Soviet
Government, and resorting not only to the methods of the Savinkovs,
the Gotzes, the Gegechkoris and Kornilovs, of plots and rebellions,
of floods of lies and slander, but also utilizing all the elements
of decay, and embarking upon every possible sordin and shameful
Comrade Stalin warned us that:
"We must bear in mind that the growth of the power of the Soviet
state will increase the resistance of the last remnants of the dying
classes. It is precisely because they are dying, and living their
last days that they will pass from one form of attack to another, to
sharper forms of attack, appealing to the backward strata of the
population, and mobilizing them against the Soviet power. There is
no foul lie or slander that these 'have-beens' would not use against
the Soviet power and around which they would not try to mobilize the
backward elements. This may give ground for the revival of the
activities of the defeated groups of the old counter-revolutionary
parties: the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks, the
bourgeois nationalists in the centre and in the outlying regions; it
may give grounds also for the revival of the activities of the
fragments of counter-revolutionary opposition elements from among
the Trotskyites and the Right deviationists. Of course, there is
nothing terrible in this. But we must bear all this in mind if we
want to put an end to these elements quickly and without great
loss." [Stalin, The Results of the First Five-Year Plan, end of
Section VII.]
Three years ago Comrade Stalin not only foretold the inevitable
resistance of elements hostile to the cause of socialism, but also
foretold the possibility of the revival of Trotskyite
counter-revolutionary groups. This trial has fully and distinctly
proved the great wisdom of this forecast.
The "heroes" of this trial have linked their fate with the fascists,
with the agents of secret-police departments; these "heroes" have
lost all scruples and gone to the uttermost limits of duplicity and
deceit, elevated perfidy and treachery to a system, to the law of
their struggle against the Soviet state.
This trial has completely revealed and has once again proved how
great and boundless is the rage and hatred of our enemies toward the
great cause of socialism; this trial has shown how insignificant are
these enemies who rushed headling from one crime to another. A
contemptible, insignificant, impotent group of trailors and
murderers thought that by means of their sordid crimes they could
cause the heart of our great people to cease to beat! This
contemptible, insignificant group of adventurers tried with their
mud-stained feet to trample upon the most fragant flowers in our
socialist garden.
These mad dogs of capitalism tried to tear limb from limb the best
of the best of our Soviet land. They killed one of the men of the
revolution who was most dear to us, that admirable and wonderful
man, bright and joyous as the smile on his lips was always bright
and joyous, as our new life is bright and joyous. Thy killed our
Kirov; they wounded us close to our very heart. They thought they
could sow confusion and consternation in our ranks.
To the murderers' treacherous shot of December 1, 1934, the whole
country replied with unanimous execration. The whole country,
millions and tens of millions of people, were aroused and once again
proved their solidarity, their unity, their loyalty to the great
banner of the Party of Lenin-Stalin. The land of Soviets rose up
like an unshakable, iron wall in defence of its leaders, its guides,
for every hair of whose heads these criminal madmen will ansver with
their lives. In this boundless love of millions of toilers for our
Party, for its central Committee, and for our Stalin and his
glorious Comrades -in-arms, in this infinite love of the people lies
the strength of the defence and protection of our leaders, the
guides of our country and Party, against traitors, murderers and
Our great fatherland is joyously flourishing and growing.The fields
of innumerable collective farms are rich with a golden harvest.
Thousands of new socialist, Stakhanov factories and works are
pulsating with life. Harmoniously and wonderfully our railways are
working for the welfare of our fatherland, and from end to end of
the country Krivonoss passenger and freight trains are speeding over
the glistening ribbons of steel. Firm as granite stands our Red
Army, surrounded with the love of the people, guarding the frontiers
of our native land. The names of our wonderful Bolsheviks, the
tireless and gifted builders of our state - Sergo Orjonikidze, Klim
Voroshilov, Lazar Moisseyevich Kaganovich, the leaders of the
Ukrainian Bolsheviks - Kossior and Postyshev, and the leader of the
Leningrad Bolsheviks, Zhdanov, are near and dear to the hearts of us
and all those who are filled with filial love for their motherland.
With great and unsurpassed love, the toilers of the whole world
utter the name of the great teacher and leader of the peoples of the
U.S.S.R. - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin!
Under the leadership of the Soviet government and our Party, headed
by Stalin, socialism has finally and irrevocably triumphed in our
country. Under the leadership of our Party the proletariat of our
country took the implements and means of production from the
capitalists, abolished the capitalist system which is based on
private property, on exploitation, on poverty and slavery.
Under the leadership of our Party and the Soviet government the
peoples of the U.S.S.R. brought about the great industrialization of
our contry, increased its means of production tenfold, multiplied
its national wealth and thereby created the conditions for a happy
and joyous life for all the toilers of the Soviet land of
socialism.The victory of socialism is first and foremost the victory
of our own Bolshevik Party, of its Leninist-Stalinist general line,
of its Leninist-Stalinist leadership, of its Central Committee,
headed by the great Stalin.
On the basis of these victories there has been created the
indestructible union of all the toilers for the further
reinforcement and development of socialism; there has been created
and cemented the union and friendship of all the peoples of the
U.S.S.R. for the building of socialism, for defence against our
enemies, against the enemies of socialism. These victories have
completely changed the entire face of our country, which has been
raised to an unprecedented level of economic and cultural
These victories have brought the working class of the U.S.S.R.
enormous improvement in their material well-being. It is now many
years since unemployment has been eliminated and the seven-hour day,
against which the "heroes" now in the dock always persistently and
treacherously fought, has been introduced. Our country has achieved
unprecedented successes, impossible in any capitalist country, in
developing a new, really human, socialist culture.
These victories have brought our whole country, every factory worker
and collective farmer, every office worker and intellectual, a happy
and a well-to-do life. And these victories are the guarantee of the
unity of all the Soviet people with our government, with our Party
and with its Central Committee. Are not the wide,mass, popular
conferences, conceivable only in our contry, of the leading people
of our factories and works, of our transport system, of our cotton
and sugar beet fields, of live-stock breeders, of combine and
tractor drivers, of Stakhanovites and Krivonossites with the leaders
of the Party and the government the best proof of this
indestructible, genuine unity and solidarity of masses of the people
with the great Stalin, with our Central Committee, with our Soviet
government? This is a manifestation of genuine Soviet, true
democracy! And is not the mighty wave of popular wrath, now sweeping
from one end of the country to the other against these despicable
murderers, a striking evidence of this unity?