The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre
Heard Before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the
August 19-24, 1936 (Moscow)
The morning session of August 20 commences with the examination of
the accused L. B. Kamenev.
Kamenev states: "The terrorist cospiracy was organized and guided by
myself, Zinoviev and Trotsky. I became convinced that the policy of
the Party, the policy of its leadership, had been victorious in the
only sense in which the political victory in the land of socialism
is possible, that this policy was recognized by the masses of the
toilers. Our banking on the possibility of a split in the Party also
proved groundless. We counted on the Rightist group of Rykov,
Bukharin and Tomsky. The removal of this group from the leadership
and the fact that it had become discredited in the eyes of the
toiling masses deprived us of this trump card as well. It was no use
counting on any kind of serious internal difficulties to secure the
overthrow of the leadership which had guided the country through
extremely difficult stages, through industrialization and
collectivization. Two paths remained: either honestly and copletely
to put a stop to the struggle against the Party, or to continue this
struggle, but without any hope of obtaining any mass support
whatsoever, without a political platform, without a banner, that is
to say, by means of individual terror. We chose the second path. In
this we were guided by our boundless hatred of the leaders of the
Party and the country, and by a thirst for power with which we were
once so closely associated and from which we were cast aside by the
course of historical development."
Replying to Comrade Vyshinsky, the accused Kamenev relates to the
Court how the Zinovievites entered into a bloc with the Trotskyites
for the purpose of organizing a terroristic struggle against the
Party and the Soviet state. "We carried on negotiations about the
bloc with Smirnov, Mrachkovsky and Ter-Vaganyan, not as with men who
independently issued political instructions," says Kamenev. "They
were of value to us as men who precisely repeated the instructions
of Trotsky. Knowing Smirnov and Mrachkovsky as active Trotskyites ,
knowing that Smirnov had been abroad and had established contact
with Trotsky there, we were absolutely sure that the instructions
concerning terrorism conveyed by Smirnov and Mrachkovsky,and
supported by them, were the exact instructions of Trotsky. It was on
this basis, and because Trotsky's instructions on terror coincided
with our own inclinations, that we concluded what is here called a
'bloc,' and what should be called a narrow terrorist conspiracy.
This conspiracy took shape in 1932 as an organizational union wich
had no platform at all, and which set itself the aim of seizing
power by disorganizing the government by terroristic means, by
eliminating and assassinating Stalin, as the leader of the Party and
the country, as well as his nearest comrades-in-arms."
The accused Kamenev fully confirms the leading part played by I. N.
Smirnov in the Trotskyite part of the terrorist Trotskyite-Zinovievite
centre, and concerning Smirnov's denials he says: "It is ridiculous
wriggling, which only creates a comical impression."
Kamenev then goes on to tell the Court about the practical
activities of the counter-revolutionary terrorists. He says:
"In the summer of 1932 a meeting of our Zinovievite centre was held
in our villa in Ilyinskoye. I myself, Zinoviev, Evdokimov, Bakayev,
Kuklin and Karev were present. At this meeting Zinoviev reported
that the union with the Trotskyites, who had received Trotsky's
personal instructions to commit terroristic acts, was an
accomplished fact. At this very meeting Bakayev was instructed to
carry out a terroristic act in Moscow, and Karev in Leningrad. The
exile of myself and Zinoviev somewhat held up the execution of our
terroristic plans. When we returned to Moscow, we made no changes
whatever in the basis of our bloc. On the contrary, we proceeded to
press forward the terroristic conspiracy. This pressing forward was
caused by two circumstances: first the collapse of the policy of
double-dealing pursued by Zinoviev, who was removed from the
editorial board of the Bolshevik. This made us fear that information
about our connection with Trotsky might have reached the Party
leadership. Secondly, the Trotskyites energetically insisted on
expediting the terroristic activities, having received instructions
to this effect from Trotsky. Organizationally, this found expression
in the decision that was adopted to hasten the assassination of
Stalin and the assassination of Kirov."
Continuing, the accused Kamenev testifies: "In June 1934 I myself
went to Leningrad where I instructed the active Zinovievite Yakovlev
to prepare an attempt on the life of Kirov parallel with the
Nikolayev-Kotolynov group. In the beginning of November1934 I
learned from Bakayev's report all the details of the preparations
that were being made by the Nikolayev group to assassinate Kirov."
Vyshinsky: Was Kirov's assassination directly the work of your
Kamenev: Yes.
Kamenev gives the following testimony on the composition of the
terrorist Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre:
"The centre of the conspiracy consisted of the following persons:
myself, Zinoviev, Evdokimov, Bakayev and Kuklin, on behalf of the
Zinovievites; Smirnov, Mrachkovsky and Ter-Vaganyan on behalf of the
Trotskyites. Among the leaders of the conspiracy another person may
be named who in point of fact was one of the leaders, but who, in
view of the special plans we made in regard to him, was not drawn
into the practical work. I refer to Sokolnikov.
Vyshinsky: Who was a member of the centre, but whose part was kept a
strict secret?
Kamenev: Yes.
Continuing, Kamenev says: "Knowing that we might be dicovered, we
designated a small group to continue our terroristic activities. For
this purpose we designated Sokolnikov. It seemed to us that on the
side of the Trotskyites this role could be successfully performed by
Serebryakov and Radek. Asked about this, Mrachkovsky said: Yes, in
our opinion Serebryakov and Radek could act as substitutes if,
contrary to our expectations, our leading group should be
Kamenev goes on to say that the Zinovievites carried on negotiations
and established contact with other counter-revolutionary groups as
"In 1932," he says, "I personally conducted negotiations with the
so-called 'Leftist' group of Lominadre and Shatsky. In this group I
found enemies of the Party leadership quite prepared to resort to
the most determined measures of struggle against it. At the same
time, I myself and Zinoviev maintained constant contact with the
former 'Workers' Opposition' group of shlyapnikov and Medvedyev. In
1932, 1933 and 1934 I personally maintained relations with Tomsky
and Bukharin and sounded their political sentiments. They
sympathized with us. When I asked Tomsky about Rykov's frame of
mind, he replied: 'Rykov thinks the same as I do.' In reply to my
qestion as to what Bukharin thought, he said: 'Bukharin thinks the
same as I do, but is pursuing somewhat different tactics: he does
not agree with the line of the Party, but is pursuing tactics of
persistently enrooting himself in the Party and winning the personal
confidence of leadership.' "
In examining the accused Kamenev the Court deals in detail with the
double-dealing to which the conspirators resorted in addition to
terrorism in their fight against the Party.
Vyshinsky: What appraisal should be given of the articles and
statements you wrote in 1933, in which you expressed loyalty to the
Party? Deception?
Kamenev: No, worse than deception.
Vyshinsky: Perfidy?
Kamenev: Worse.
Vyshinsky: Worse than deception, worse than perfidy - find the word.
Kamenev: You have found it.
Vyshinsky: Accused Zinoviev, do you confirm this?
Zinoviev: Yes.
Vyshinsky: Treason, perfidy, double-dealing?
Zinoviev: Yes.
Proceeding to explain the motives of his conduct, the accused
Kamenev declares:
"I can admit only one thing: that having set ourselves the
monstrously criminal aim of disorganizing the government of the land
of socialism, we resorted to methods of struggle which in our
opinion suited this aim and which are as low and as vile as the aim
which we set before ourselves."
in the further process of the examination the accused Kamenev still
more clearly and definitely speaks of that which guided the
Zinovievites in their activities.
Vyshinsky: Consequently, your struggle against the leaders of the
Party and the government was guided by motives of a personal base
character - by the thirst for personal power?
Kamenev: Yes, by the thirst for power of our group.
Vyshinsky: Don't you think that this has nothing in common with
social ideals?
Kamenev: It has as much in common as revolution has with
Vyshinsky: That is, you are on the side of counter-revolution?
Kamenev: Yes.
Vyshinsky: Consequently, you clearly perceive that you are flighting
against socialism?
Kamenev: We clearly perseive that we are fighting against the
leaders of the Party and of the government who are leading the
country to socialism.
Vyshinsky: Thereby you are fighting socialism as well, aren't you?
Kamenev: You are drawing the conclusion of an historian and
At the end of the examination of the accused Kamenev,
ComradeVyshinsky reminds him that in his testimony on August 10 he
stated that the conspirators intended, after seizing power, to
appoint Bakayev chief of the O.G.P.U. and so cover up the traces of
their crimes.
Kamenev asserts that the Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre had in this
connection not the intention of physically exterminating those who
directly committed terroristic acts, but of diverting the
investigation of terroristic acts into false channels.
The accused Reingold categorically asserts that the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
centre intended to wipe out their gunmen terrorists in order to
shield the Trotskyite-Zinovievite leaders and cover up the traces of
the crimes. Indignat at Kamenev's statement, Reingold says: "Let
Kamenev not pretend that he is such an innocent creature. He is a
hardened politician who would force his way to power over mountains
of corpses. Would he hesitate to kill off one or two terrorists? No
one will believe him!"