The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
Terrorist Centre
Heard Before the Military Collegium of the
Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R.
August 19-24, 1936 (Moscow)
The first to be examined at the evening session of August 19 is the
accused Dreitzer. Dreitzer was one of the most prominent
Trotskyites. He had been chief of Trotsky's bodyguard. Together with
Trotsky, he had organized the counter-revolutionary demonstration on
November 7, 1927. When Trotsky was in exile in Alma-Ata, Dreitzer
organized the communications between Trotsky and the Moscow
Trotskyite centre.
The accused Dreitzer states that the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
underground organization was a stricly centralized and disciplined
counter-revolutionary organization. Dreitzer categorically and
emphatically denies that there could be any possibility of
halfheartedness in the attitude of any one of the members of the
Trotskyite-Zinovievite counter-revolutionary bloc towards
terroristic activity.
"There could be no acting on one's own, no orchestra without a
conductor among us," stated Dreitzer. "I am surprised at the
assertions of Smirnov, who, according to his words, both knew and
did not know, spoke and did not speak, acted and did not act. This
is not true!"
Relating his terroristic activities in detail Dreitzer says that the
Trotskyite section of the counter-revolutionary bloc had received
instructions to resort to terrorism against the leaders of the Party
and the government from abroad, from L. D. Trotsky, and here from I.
N. Smirnov, Trotsky's deputy in the U.S.S.R.
In the autumn of 1931, Dreitzer took advantage of an official
business trip to Berlin to establish contact with Trotsky at the
instructions from I. N. Smirnov.
Smirnov's definite instructions were to ascertain Trotsky's attitude
on the qestion of a bloc between the Trotskyites and the
Zinovievites in Berlin he twice met Sedov (Trotsky's son), in a cafe
in Leipziger Strasse. Sedov then told him that Trotsky's
instructions would be sent on later.
In October 1934 Dreitzer's sister brought him from Warsaw a German
cinema magazine which an agent of Sedov's had given her for Dreitzer.
In the magazine Dreitzer had no difficulty in discovering - as this
form of communication had been agreed upon with Sedov in Berlin - a
message written in invisible ink in Trotsky's own handwriting
containing instructions to prepare and to carry out immediately
terroristic acts against Stalin and Voroshilov. Dreitzer at once
passed the letter on to Mrachkovsky who, after reading it, burnt it
for reasons of sectecy.
As far back as September-October 1931 I. N. Smirnov had spoken to
Dreitzer in the U.S.S.R. about the necessity to follow the line of
terroristic methods of struggle. In the autumn of 1932, Dreitzer
received from I. N. Smirnov, in the latter's apartment, direct
instructions to organize terroristic acts against Stalin and
Voroshilov. Smirnov, referring to the line taken by Trotsky, there
and then instructed Dreitzer to establish contact with Mrachkovsky
for the purpose of making practical preparations for and carrying
out terroristic acts. "My next meeting with Ivan Nikitich Smirnov,"
said Dreitzer, "took place in 1932. This was in the autumn. At that
meeting he informed me that the question of bloc had been settled,
that the bloc had already been formed, and had been formed on the
basis of Trotsky's terroristic line."
In the spring of 1933 Mrachkovsky repeated to Dreitzer the
instruktions of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre to expedite the
acts of terror against the leaders of the C.P.S.U. and the Soviet
Government. Moreover, on leaving Moscow, Mrachkovsky put at
Dreitzer's disposal a number of terrorists he had trained. In
addition to Smirnov and Mrachkovsky, Dreitzer was very closely
connected with Reingold and Pickel, together with whom he belonged
to the Moscow terrorist centre of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc.
Carrying out the instructions of L. D. Trotsky and the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
terrorist centre, conveyed to him by Smirnov and Mrachkovsky,
Dreitzer organized two terrorist groups: Gayevsky's group, which was
instructed to commit a terroristic act against Comrade Stalin, and
Esterman's group, which was instructed to kill Comrade Voroshilov.
In connection with Dreitzer's evidence the State Prosecutorquestions
Mrachkovsky and I. N. Smirov.
Mrachkovsky fully confirms Dreitzer's testimony.
Smirnov asserts that he actually did receive in his apartment
Dreitzer as an active Trotskyite; however, he allegedly discussed
with him, not terrorism but "the general situation in the country."
Mrachkovsky and Dreitzer in reply to this declare: "Smirnov is
Upon the conclusion of Dreitzer's examination Comrade Vyshinsky puts
several questions to the accused Zinoviev.
Vyshinsky: Accused Zinoviev, in the summer of 1932 had you alredy
come to an understanding about the necessity of organizing
terroristic acts, or was there only talk about these terroristic
Zinoviev: As far as I can picture it, the situation was as follows:
With the Trotskyites this was already a mature decision, based on
the absolutely precise instructions of Trotsky given a fairly long
time before that, and they had taken a number of practical steps.
Vyshinsky: What was the attitude of the Trotskyite part of your bloc
on the question of terrorism?
Zinoviev: In our negatiations on the formation of a united centre
this question played a decisive part. By that time the so-called
Zinovievite part of the bloc was fully ripe for such decisions.
Vyshinsky: Did Smirnov display any activity in relation to this, or
Zinoviev: Smirnov, in my opinion, displayed more activity than any
one else, and we regarded him as the undisputed head of the
Trotskyite part of the bloc, as the man best informed about
Trotsky's views, and fully sharing these views.
Vyshinsky: Did you personally hear a number of proposals from
Zinoviev: I personally conducted negotiations with him two or three
Vyshinsky: Did Smirnov display persistence during these
negotiations, did he press for terroristic acts?
Zinoviev: As I have already said, he heatedly and with much
persuasion insisted on the commission of terroristic acts, although
there was no need to persuade us. We were already convinced.
Vyshinsky: I ask the court to note that the testimony of Zinoviev,
Reingold and Dreitzer establishes that after 1932 practical
preparations were made for terroristic acts, and that Dreitzer
carried these on on the direct instructions of Smirnov; and that
Smirnov persistently urged Zinoviev to pass on to terroristic
activities. I ask you to take note of this as aconclusion to be
drawn from the investigation which we have carried on so far.