Assassination of Comrade S. M. Kirov
Report of Court Proceedings
The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre
Heard Before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the
August 19-24, 1936 (Moscow)
II. The United Trotskyite-Zinovievite Centre and the Assassination
of Comrade S. M. Kirov
It was already established in the case of Nikolayev, Rumyantsev,
Kotolynov and others shot by sentence of the Military Collegium of
the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R. on the charge of murdering Comrade
S. M. Kirov on December 1, that direct connections existed between
the group of Zinovievites in Leningrad who committed the murder, and
the accused Zinoviev, Kamenev and Bakayev, already convicted in the
case of the so-called "Moscow centre."
At the present time, the investigating authorities are in possession
of facts establishing beyond doubt that the murder of S. M. Kirov
was kommitted in accordance with the decision of the united
Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre.
This was admitted at the preliminary investigation by the majority
of active members of various terrorist Trotskyite-Zinovievite
groups, including the accused Zinoviev, Kamenev, Evdokimov, Bakayev,
Mrachkovsky and others.
The accused Evdokimov fully confirmed this by declaring at the
examination on Aug. 10 of this year the following:
". . . . At the trial of the Kirov murder case, I - Evdokimov, with
Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bakayev, Gertik and others, deceived the
Government authorities and the Court by concealing that the murder
of Kirov was prepared and carried out by us, the members of the
Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc.
"The murder of Kirov was committed by the Leningrad terrorist centre
on the direct instructions of the united centreof the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
bloc. (Vol. XXXVI, p. 6.)
". . . In 1934, Zinoviev, acting in the name of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
organization, gave Bakayev direct instructions to organize the
murder of Kirov.
In addition to Zinoviev those taking part in the decision to murder
Kirov, included Kamenev, myse.T - Evdokimov, Bakayev, and also
representatives of the Trotskyites in the persons of Mrachkovsky and
Ter-Vaganyan. In order to prepare the murder, Bakayev went to
Leningrad in the autumn of 1934 and there established contact with
the active members of our organization: Kotolynov, Levin, Rumyantsev,
Mandelstamm and Myasnikov, who formed the so-called Leningrad
terrorist centre.The Leningrad centre had an active group of
terrorists, directly engaged in preparations for the murder of
Kirov." (Vol. XXXVI, p. 6.)
After obdurate denials, the accused Zinoviev, convicted by the
testimony of a number of other accused, had to admit that as far
back as 1932 the united Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre had decided to
organize terroristic acts against Comrade Stalin in Moscow and
against Comrade Kirov in Leningrad.
"In the autumn of 1932," stated the accused Zinoviev, "in my villa
at Ilyinskoye, in the presence of Kamenev, Bakayev, Evdokimov and
Karev, I instructed Bakayev to prepare a terroristic act against
Stalin, and Karev to prepare a terroristic act against Kirov." (Vol.
XII p. 36.)
The accused Zinoviev testified:
"In 1934, I do not remember the exact month, in the middle of the
year, Evdokimov informed me of one of Gertik's trips to Leningrad
during which Gertik established contact with Kotolynov. As a result
of this meeting Kotolynov told Gertik that he was taking a direct
part in the preparations for the assassination of Kirov." (Vol. XII,
pp. 37, 38.)
This was also testified by the accused Kamenev, who confirmed the
fact that a conference had taken place in Ilyinskoye at which it was
decided to commit terroristic acts against Comrades Stalin and
Kirov. The accused Kamenev testified:
"I must admit that before the conference in Ilyinskoye, Zinoviev
informed me of the proposed decisions of the centre of the
Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc to organize terroristic acts against
Stalin and Kirov, declaring that the representatives of the
Trotskyites in the centre of the bloc, Smirnov, Mrachkovsky and
Ter-Vaganyan, emphatically insisted on this decision, that they had
direct instructions on this matter from Trotsky, and that they
demanded that a start be made in putting these measures into
practice in pursuance of those principles which formed the basis of
the bloc." (Vol. XV, pp. 15, 16.)
To this the accused Kamenev added:
"I joined in this decision being in full agreement with it." (Vol.
XV, p. 16.)
As the investigation has established, the practical fulfilment of
the plan to organize the murder of Comrade Kirov was assigned by the
united centre to I. P. Bakayev, a member of that centre.
Direct evidence on this is given by the accused Zinoviev, who
admitted that it was precisely Bakayev who had been instructed by
Zinoviev, in the name of the united centre, to organize the
terroristic acts against Comrade Stalin in Moscow and against
Comrade Kirov in Leningrad. (Vol. XII, p. 36.)
Detailed evidence on the role played by Zinoviev, Bakayev and the
whole of the united Trotskyite-Zinovievite centre in the murder of
Comrade S. M. Kirov was given by the accused Reingold, who stated
the following:
"I learned personally from Zinoviev that the assassination of Kirov
in Leningrad was prepared on his direct instructions and on the
instructions of the centre of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc.
During this conversation with Zinoviev, which took place in his
apartment in August 1934, he, as I have already stated reproached
the Moscow action group for being slow and not sufficiently active.
"In giving the reasons for the necessity of committing a terroristic
act against Kirov, Zinoviev said that Kirov must be physically
destroyed as Stalin's closest assistant. He also added: 'It is not
enough to fell the oak; all the young oaks growing around it must be
felled too.' Another argument Zinoviev used in support of the
necessity of murdering Kirov was that Kirov was the leader of the
Leningrad organization and was personally responsible for the rout
of the opposition in Leningrad.
"As I have already stated, the Leningrad fighting organization was
under the direct leadership of Bakayev. Organizational connection
with this organization was also maintained by Faivilovich." (Vol.
XXVII, p. 70.)
After persistent denials of his participation in the organization of
the assassination of Comrade Kirov, the accused Bakayev, under the
weight of evidence brought against him, testified:
"I admit that Zinoviev personally instructed me to organize the
assassination of Stalin in Moscow, and Karev to organize the
assassination of Kirov in Leningrad. For this purpose I instructed
Karev to estabish contact in Leningrad with Vladimir Levin and
Anishev, members of the organization, while Zinoviev instructed me
to put Karev in touch also with Rumyantsev in Leningrad." (Vol. I,
p. 89.)
Evidence on the role played by Bakayev as one of the principal
organizers of the assassination of Comrade Kirov was also given by
N. A. Karev, who is under arrest in connection with another case. At
the examination held on July 5, 1936, N. A. Karev stated:
"Zinoviev said that Bakayev had been charged with the preparation of
terroristic acts against Stalin and Kirov and that for this purpose
he was to utilize his connections with the Zinovievite groups in
Leningrad and Moscow."
To this Karev added:
"In conversation with Bakayev, I learned that the latter intended to
utilize the Zinovievite groups of Ramyantsev and Kotolynov in
Leningrad with which he, Bakayev, had contact, for the organization
of a terroristic act against Kirov." (Vol. III, p. 11.)
This was also fully confirmed during the investigation by the
accused Evdokimov, who stated the following:
"I learned from Bakayev that in the autumn of 1934, he, Bakayev,
together with one Trotskyite terrorist, whose name I do not know,
went to Leningrad to establish contact with the Leningrad terrorist
centre and to organize the assassination of Kirov.
"While in Leningrad, Bakayev and the above-mentioned Trotskyite
terrorist met Nikolayev and arranged with him that he would
assassinate Kirov." (Vol. XXXVI, pp. 7, 8.)
And further:
"Bakayev stated that the terrorists had expressed confidence in the
the success of the terroristic act; they considered themselves to be
safe. The reason for this was that all of them, including such
active Zinovievites as Rumyantsev, Levin, Myasnikov, Mandelstamm and
others, enjoyed the confidence of a number of leading Party workers
and officials of Soviet organizations in Leningrad. This ensured
them every possibility of pursuing their preparations for a
terroristic act against Kirov without the least fear of being
discovered." (Vol. XXXVI, p. 9.)
The investigation has established that after the united
Zinovievite-Trotskyite centre had adopted the decision to
assassinate Comrade S. M. Kirov, Kamenev made a special journey to
Leningrad in June 1934 for checking up on the progress of the work
of organizing the terroristic act against Comrade Kirov.
Zinoviev also pressed forward in every way the assassination of
Comrade Kirov and, as testified by N. M. Matorin, formerly
Zinoviev's private secretary, who is now under arrest in connection
with another case, Zinoviev reproached the members of the terrorist
group for being slow and irresolute.
Matorin testified:
"Zinoviev told me that the preparations for the terroristic act must
be pressed forward to the utmost and that Kirov must be killed by
the winter. Zinoviev reproached me for not displaying sufficient
determination and energy. He said that with regard to terroristic
methods of struggle prejudices must be dopped." (Vol. XIV, pp. 63,