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James Connolly
Born Edinburgh, Scotland of Irish parents – said to have first come to Ireland in his youth as a member of the British Army – married in 1889 – active in The Socialist movement in Edinburgh in the early 1890s – came to Ireland in 1896 and founded the Irish Socialist Republican Party – lectured on socialism in Britain and U.S., 1902 – emigrated to U.S. in 1903 – member of Socialist Labour Party (U.S.) and the Industrial Workers of the World – founded the Irish Socialist Federation in New York, 1907 – returned to Ireland in 1910 as organiser for The Socialist Party of Ireland – Belfast organiser of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union, 1910 – acting Gen. Sec. of I.T.G.W.U. and Commandant of the Irish Citizen Army, 1914 – Commandant General of Dublin Division of the Army of the Republic, 1916 – executed following the 1916 Uprising.
- Party Politicians – Noble, Ignoble and Local (Labour Chronicle, 1 December)
- Currently, no texts available.
- Socialism and Nationalism (Shan Van Vocht, January)
- Patriotism and Labour (Shan Van Vocht, August)
- Socialism and Irish Nationalism (L’Irlande Libre, Paris)
- Erin’s Hope – The End & The Means (pamphlet)
- Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee
- The Fighting Race (Workers’ Republic, 13 August)
- Home Rule Journalists and Patriotism (Workers’ Republic, 13 August)
- The Men We Honour (Workers’ Republic, 13 August)
- An Open Letter to Dublin Castle (Workers’ Republic, 13 August)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 20 August)
- The Roots of Modern War (Workers’ Republic, 20 August)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 27 August)
- Labour Representation (Workers’ Republic, 27 August)
- Peasant Proprietorship and Socialism (Workers’ Republic, 27 August)
- British and Russian Imperialism I (Workers’ Republic, 3 September)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 3 September)
- British and Russian Imperialism II (Workers’ Republic, 10 September)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 17 September)
- Regicide and Revolution (Workers’ Republic, 17 September)
- The Irish Land Question (Workers’ Republic, 24 September)
- The Independent and New Machinery (Workers’ Republic, 1 October)
- Parnellism and Labour (Workers’ Republic, 8 October)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 22 October)
- A Socialist Candidate for Dublin Corporation (Workers’ Republic, 22 October)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, May)
- Resurgam! (Workers’ Republic, May)
- The Sweating System (Workers’ Republic, 3 June)
- State Monopoly versus Socialism (Workers’ Republic, 10 June – The New Evangel)
- Socialism and Religion (Workers’ Republic, 17 June – The New Evangel)
- Father Finlay, S.J., and Socialism (Workers’ Republic, 1 July – The New Evangel)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 1 July)
- Socialism and Political Reformers (Workers’ Republic, 8 July – The New Evangel)
- “Soldiers of the Queen” (Workers’ Republic, 15 July)
- Physical Force in Irish Politics (Workers’ Republic, 22 July)
- The Economic Basis of Politics (Workers’ Republic, 12 August – The New Evangel)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 19 August)
- The South African War I (Workers’ Republic, 19 August)
- Law and Order (Workers’ Republic, 26 August)
- The Re-Conquest of Ireland (Workers’ Republic, 2 September)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 9 September)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 23 September)
- Compositors and the Linotype (Workers’ Republic, 30 September)
- America and Ireland – Farmers’ Demands (Workers’ Republic, 21 October)
- Imperialism and Socialism (Workers’ Republic, 4 November)
- Socialism and Imperialism (Workers’ Republic, 4 November)
- Landlordism in Towns (Workers’ Republic, 18 November)
- The South African War II (Workers’ Republic, 18 November)
- A Plea for the Children (Workers’ Republic, 2 December)
- Dogma and Food (Workers’ Republic, 9 December)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 9 December)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 16 December)
- Dublin and the War (Workers’ Republic, 30 December)
- Our Mad Rulers (Workers’ Republic, 30 December)
- Let Us Free Ireland! (Workers’ Republic)
- Bruce Glasier in Ireland (Justice, 31 March)
- The Difficulties of Socialism (Workers’ Republic, 3 June)
- The Difficulties of Socialism (Workers’ Republic, 3 June)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 3 June)
- The Difficulties of Capitalism (Workers’ Republic, 16 June)
- Resolution of Sympathy with the Boers (Workers’ Republic, 30 June)
- The Coming Generation (Workers’ Republic, 15 July)
- Ireland Sober is Ireland Free? (Workers’ Republic, 15 July)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 15 September)
- Parliamentary Democracy (Workers’ Republic, 22 September)
- Home Thrusts (Workers’ Republic, 10 November)
- The Corporation and the Children (Workers’ Republic, 24 November)
- An Object Lesson (Workers’ Republic, 15 December)
- Socialist Electioneering (Workers’ Republic, February)
- Class Government and Class War (Workers’ Republic, May)
- Justice And Millerand (Justice, 25 May)
- Irish Trade Union Congress (Workers’ Republic, June)
- Home Rulers and Labour (Workers’ Republic, October)
- Letter to the Secretary of the Edinburgh branch of the SDF (letter, 1 November)
- Wood Quay Ward – To the Electors (Workers’ Republic, December)
- The New Evangel – Preached to Irish Toilers (pamphlet)
- Coronation of King Edward VII, 1902
- Taken Root! (Workers’ Republic, March)
- The Irish Socialist Republican Party and the Dewsbury Election (Justice, 29 March 1902)
- Our “American Mission” (Workers’ Republic, August)
- Wood Quay Ward, Election Address – Dublin (January)
- The New Danger (Workers’ Republic, April)
- A Rebel Song (The Socialist, May)
- Unpatriotic? (Workers’ Republic, May)
- The Socialist Labour Party of America and the London SDF (The Socialist, June)
- The American SDP – Its Origin, its Press, and its Policies (The Socialist, July)
- Loubet – and Other Things (The Socialist, August)
- The Connolly–DeLeon Controversy (April-June)
- Currently, no texts available.
- Currently, no texts available.
- Revolutionary Song (Songs of Freedom)
- We Only Want the Earth (Songs of Freedom)
- Wages and Prices (The Industrial Union Bulletin, 26 October 1907)
- Declaration of Principles of the Irish Socialist Federation (New York, January)
- The Coming Revolt in India I (The Harp, January)
- Harp Strings (The Harp, January)
- Our Purpose and Function (The Harp, January)
- A Political Party of The Workers (The Harp, January)
- The Coming Revolt in India II (The Harp, February)
- Irish Socialist Republic – To the Irish People (The Harp, March)
- Sinn Féin and Socialism (The Harp, April)
- To Irish Wage Workers in America (The Harp, May)
- Harp Strings (The Harp, June)
- Political Action (The Harp, July)
- Michael Davitt – A Text for a Revolutionary Lecture (The Harp, August)
- The Irish Masses in History (The Harp, September)
- Roman Catholicism and Socialism (The Harp, September)
- Facets of American Liberty (The Harp, December)
- The Future of Labour (Socialism Made Easy)
- Industrial Unionism and Constructive Socialism (Socialism Made Easy)
- Sinn Fein, Socialism and the Nation (Irish Nation, 23 January)
- Learning Their Lesson (The Harp, September)
- Ballots, Bullets, Or – (The International Socialist Review, October)
- Capitalism and the Irish Small Farmers (The Harp, November)
- Erin’s Hope – The End & The Means (Revised American edition)
- Workshop Talks
- A New Labour Policy (The Harp, January)
- Industrialism and the Trade Unions (International Socialist Review, February)
- Labour and Politics in Ireland (The Harp, April)
- Labour in Irish History, (pamphlet 1910)
- Labour, Nationality and Religion, (pamphlet 1910)
- Socialist Party of Ireland, (1910 or early 1911)
- John Redmond, M.P. – His Strength and Weakness (Forward, 11 March)
- Sweatshops Behind the Orange Flag (Forward, 11 March)
- The Connolly–Walker Controversy: On Socialist Unity in Ireland (Forward, May-July)
- Belfast Dockers – Their Miseries and their Triumphs (Irish Worker, 26 August)
- Walter Carpenter Free (Irish Worker, 2 September)
- Direct Action in Belfast (Irish Worker, 16 September)
- Visit of King George V
- An Exchange on Rome and Irish Catholics (Catholic Times, November)
- Some Rambling Remarks (Irish Worker, Christmas number)
- Belfast Labour Meeting & Home rule Bill (resolution)
- Belfast Municipal Elections January 1913 – Dock Ward: Election of a Councillor (January)
- British Labour and Irish politicians (Forward, 3 May)
- Catholicism, Protestantism & Politics (Forward, 3 May)
- Many-Headed Opposition (Forward, 10 May)
- The Awakening of Ulster’s Democracy (Forward, 7 June)
- The Larne Strike I (Forward, 14 June)
- The Larne Strike II (Forward, 28 June)
- July the 12th (Forward, 12 July)
- North-East Ulster (Forward, 2 August)
- A Forgotten Chapter in Irish History (Forward, 9 August)
- Belfast and Dublin To-Day (Forward, 23 August)
- The Dublin Lock Out: On the Eve (Irish Worker, 30 August)
- Press Poisoners in Ireland (Forward, 30 August)
- Glorious Dublin! (Forward, 4 October)
- Documents for the Askwith Inquiry
- The Children, The Irish Transport & General Workers’ Union and the Archbishop (Forward, 1 November)
- How to Release Larkin (Irish Worker, 1 November)
- Importation v. Deportation (Irish Worker, 8 November)
- Irish Rebels and English Mobs (Irish Worker, 22 November)
- A Titanic Struggle (The Daily Herald, 6 December)
- Capitalist Dove of Peace? (Irish Worker, 6 December)
- Home Thrusts (Irish Worker, 6 December)
- Arms and the Man (Irish Worker, 13 December)
- Home Thrusts (Irish Worker, 13 December)
- Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union
To the Working Class of Dublin (Irish Worker, 13 December)- A Fiery Cross or Christmas Bells (Irish Worker, 20 December)
- To the Linen Slaves of Belfast (Manifesto of Irish Textile Workers’ Union)
- Mr Murphy’s Great New Year Speech (Irish Worker, 3 January)
- A Lesson From Dublin (Forward, 2 February)
- The Isolation of Dublin (Forward, 9 February)
- The Lenten Pastorals – A Challenge (Irish Worker, 28 February)
- Labour and the Proposed Partition of Ireland (Irish Worker, 14 March)
- The Outrages at Jacob’s (Irish Worker, 14 March)
- Industrial Unity and Political Division in Ireland (Forward, 21 March)
- The War in Ulster (Forward, 28 March)
- Ireland and Ulster: An Appeal to the Working Class (Irish Worker, 4 April)
- The Exclusion of Ulster (Forward, 11 April)
- The Solidarity of Labour (Forward, 18 April)
- Old Wine in New Bottles (New Age, 30 April)
- Independent Labour Party of Ireland: Ireland Upon The Dissecting Table (April)
- Changes (Forward, 9 May)
- The Legacy (Irish Worker, 23 May)
- The Problem of Trade Union Organization (Forward, 23 May)
- The Liberals and Ulster (Forward, 30 May)
- Address to the Delegates (Irish Worker, 30 May)
- Yellow Unions in Ireland (Forward, 20 June)
- Labour in the New Irish Parliament (Forward, 4 July)
- The Latest Massacre in Dublin (Forward, 1 August)
- The Carsonite Position (Irish Worker, 8 August)
- Our Duty In This Crisis (Irish Worker, 8 August)
- A Continental Revolution (Forward, 15 August)
- The National Danger (Irish Worker, 15 August)
- No Compromise – No Conciliation (Irish Worker, 15 August)
- A Martyr For Conscience Sake (Forward, 22 August)
- America and Europe (Irish Worker, 22 August)
- Northern Notes (Irish Worker, 22 August)
- On German Militarism (Irish Worker, 22 August)
- The War Upon The German Nation (Irish Worker, 29 August)
- The Real Situation In Ireland (Forward, 5 September)
- Connolly’s Speech on War’s Outbreak (Irish Worker, 5 September)
- Recruiting – Let the Wastrels Go (Irish Worker, 5 September)
- The Friends of Small Nationalities (Irish Worker, 12 September)
- Ruling By Fooling: “Home Rule On the Statute Book” (Irish Worker, 19 September)
- Some Perverted Battle Lines (Irish Worker, 26 September)
- A Matter of Coercion (Irish Worker, 3 October)
- Redmond Cannot Deliver the Goods (Irish Worker, 3 October)
- A Forward Policy for Volunteers (Irish Worker, 10 October)
- Forward! (Irish Worker, 17 October)
- How England Sacrificed Belgium (Irish Worker, 17 October)
- Ireland and the War – The Position of the Nation (Irish Worker, 17 October)
- The Ballot or the Barricades (Irish Worker, 24 October)
- The Hope of Ireland (Irish Worker, 31 October)
- Rally for Labour (Irish Worker, 14 November)
- Disturbed Dublin (Irish Worker, 18 November)
- Labour Mans the Breach (Irish Worker, 21 November)
- Tell the Truth – A Challenge to Mr Birrell (Irish Worker, 28 November)
- Courtsmartial and Revolution (Irish Work, 19 December)
- Independent Labour Party of Ireland: Appeal to the Irish Working Class
- War: What It Means To You (Irish Citizen Army [Belfast Division])
- “In This Supreme Hour of Our National Danger” (The Worker, 9 January)
- Jottings (The Worker, 16 January)
- Our Rulers as a Study (The Worker, 30 January)
- Can Warfare Be Civilized? (The Worker, 30 January)
- Revolutionary Unionism and War (International Socialist Review, March)
- Love of Freedom (Workers’ Republic, 8 April)
- Revolutionary Warfare (Workers’ Republic, May-July)
- The Dublin Lock-Out and Its Sequel (Workers’ Republic, 29 May)
- Moscow Insurrection of 1905 (Workers’ Republic, 29 May [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- Our Policy (Workers’ Republic, 29 May)
- From a Labour Day Speech in Dublin (Workers’ Republic, 5 June)
- Insurrection in the Tyrol (Workers’ Republic, 5 June [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- Our Disappearing Liberties (Workers’ Republic, 5 June)
- College Green: A Labour Candidate (Workers’ Republic, 12 June)
- Revolution in Belgium (Workers’ Republic, 12 June [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- After the Battle (Workers’ Republic, 19 June)
- Defence of the Alamo (Workers’ Republic, 19 June [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- Liberty and Labour (Workers’ Republic, 19 June)
- A Railway Thief (Workers’ Republic, 26 June)
- War at Home (Workers’ Republic, 26 June)
- Revolution in Paris, 1830 (Workers’ Republic, 3 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- The Right to Strike (Workers’ Republic, 3 July)
- Lexington (Workers’ Republic, 10 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- What is a Scab? (Workers’ Republic, 10 July)
- Coercion in England (Workers’ Republic, 17 July)
- June 1848 (Workers’ Republic, 17 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- Street Fighting – Summary (Workers’ Republic, 24 July [from Revolutionary Warfare])
- Strikes and Revolution (Workers’ Republic, 24 July)
- Dublin Trades Council (Workers’ Republic, 31 July)
- The Man and the Cause! (Workers’ Republic, 31 July)
- Why The Citizen Army Honours Rossa (Rossa Souvenir, July)
- Ireland’s Travail and Ireland’s Resurrection (Workers’ Republic, 7 August)
- To All Labourers’ Societies (Workers’ Republic, 14 August)
- Militarism (Workers’ Republic, 21 August)
- Coercion in England (Workers’ Republic, 28 August)
- Wee Joe Devlin (Workers’ Republic, 28 August)
- The Party Versus the People (Workers’ Republic, 4 September)
- Protect Your Women (Workers’ Republic, 11 September)
- God Help the Poor Irish (Workers’ Republic, 18 September)
- Some Irish Slaves and Slavishness (Workers’ Republic, 25 September)
- James Keir Hardie (Workers’ Republic, 2 October)
- Labour and the Budget – Dublin Transport Workers’ Protest (Workers’ Republic, 2 October)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 2 October)
- In Praise of the Empire (Workers’ Republic, 9 October)
- Without Principle (Workers’ Republic, 9 October)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 16 October)
- To Hell with Contracts (Workers’ Republic, 16 October)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 23 October)
- The Immorality of Dublin (Workers’ Republic, 23 October)
- For the Citizen Army (Workers’ Republic, 30 October)
- A War For Civilization (Workers’ Republic, 30 October)
- Diplomacy (Workers’ Republic, 6 November)
- Recruiting the Irish Citizen Army (Workers’ Republic, 6 November)
- Ireland – Disaffected Or Revolutionary (Workers’ Republic, 13 November)
- The Returned Emigrants (Workers’ Republic, 13 November)
- The Dispute on the Docks – Is it War? (Workers’ Republic, 20 November)
- The Manchester Martyrs (Workers’ Republic, 20 November)
- Conscription(Workers’ Republic, 27 November)
- “Enlist or Starve!” (Workers’ Republic, 27 November)
- Dublin Trade and Dublin Strikes (Workers’ Republic, 4 December)
- “Trust Your Leaders!” (Workers’ Republic, 4 December)
- The Housing Problem from a New Standpoint (Workers’ Republic, 11 December)
- Economic Conscription I (Workers’ Republic, 18 December)
- Forgive and Forget (Workers’ Republic, 18 December)
- Correspondents (Workers’ Republic, 25 December)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 25 December)
- Two Fateful Christmas Weeks (Workers’ Republic, 25 December)
- The Re-Conquest of Ireland (pamphlet 1915)
- A Happy New Year (Workers’ Republic, 1 January)
- A Lesson of the Strike (Workers’ Republic, 8 January)
- The Volunteers of ’82 (Workers’ Republic, 8 January)
- Economic Conscription II (Workers’ Republic, 15 January)
- The Programme of Labour (Workers’ Republic, 19 January)
- What Is Our Programme? (Workers’ Republic, 22 January)
- In the Gap of Danger (Workers’ Republic, 22 January)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 5 February)
- The Slackers I (Workers’ Republic, 5 February)
- Cannon Fodder for British Imperialism (Workers’ Republic, 12 February)
- Still Fighting (Workers’ Republic, 12 February)
- What Is A Free Nation? (Workers’ Republic, 12 February)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 19 February)
- The Slums and the Trenches (Workers’ Republic, 26 February)
- Unemployment in Ireland (Workers’ Republic, 26 February)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 4 March)
- To the Seafarers of Ireland (Workers’ Republic, 4 March)
- The Days of March (Workers’ Republic, 11 March)
- The Slackers II (Workers’ Republic, 11 March)
- The German or the British Empire? (Workers’ Republic, 18 March)
- The National Festival (Workers’ Republic, 18 March)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 18 March)
- The Slackers III (Workers’ Republic, 25 March)
- We Will Rise Again (Workers’ Republic, 25 March)
- The Call To Arms (Workers’ Republic, 1 April)
- A Cheap Bargain (Workers’ Republic, 1 April)
- The Irish Flag (Workers’ Republic, 8 April)
- Forces of Civilisation (Workers’ Republic, 8 April)
- Irish Trade Union Congress (Workers’ Republic, 15 April)
- Notes on the Front (Workers’ Republic, 15 April)
- Labour and Ireland (Workers’ Republic, 22 April)
- Last Statement (Given to his daughter Nora Connolly on the eve of his execution by the British, 9 May)
Other Dates
- The Humours of Politics (Forward July 26, 1913 and Irish Worker, January 14, 1914, respectively.)
- Socialism in Ireland (The Harp, March, 1908 and Forward, August 16, 1913, respectively.)
- The Language Movement (The Workers’ Republic, October 1, 1898 and The Harp, April, 1908, respectively.)
- The Watchword of Labour (From The Legacy and Songs of Freedom, 1918)
Writings by James Connolly are also available at the following sites:
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts