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Marx-Engels Correspondence 1869

Marx To Engels
In Manchester

Source: MECW, Volume 43, p. 353;
First published: abridged in Der Briefwechsel zwischen F. Engels und K. Marx, Stuttgart, 1913 and in full in MEGA, Berlin, 1931.

Hanover, 25 September 1869

Dear Fred,

I had two unpleasant pieces of news from home today. Little Schnappy is in a very bad way, and during our short absence has lost 1 1/2 pounds. Kugelmann insists — and is writing in this sense to London today — that Dr West in London, a famous children’s doctor and, he believes, professor at Lafargue’s hospital (St Bartholomew’s) should be consulted. Second, Laura is again in interesting circumstances, which is equally bad luck for herself and for Lafargue.

We have been here for 8 days. We stayed for several days in Belgium (Bruges and Liege), then on to Cologne. From there a visit to Dietzgen the thinker in Siegburg. From there to Bonn, and from there by steamer to Mainz. This journey delighted Jennychen. Unfortunately, afflicted by an importunate guest. In Bonn I had paid a call on Hagen in the evening. Not at home. Appeared next morning at the moment of our departure. Announcing that he would accompany us to Rolandseck, we were saddled with him until Mainz. In Mainz we spent one day with Stumpf, who has a most delightful family (daughter and sister). Used the opportunity for a side trip to Wiesbaden. Omitted Ems. One day in Aachen with Karl Philips.

During this tour through Belgium, stay in Aachen, and journey up the Rhine, I convinced myself that energetic action must be taken against the clerics, particularly in the Catholic areas. I shall work in this vein in the International. Where it appears suitable, the rogues are flirting with workers’ problems (e.g., Bishop Ketteler in Mainz, the clerics at the Düsseldorf Congress, etc. ). In fact we worked for them in 1848, but they enjoyed the fruits of the revolution during the period of reaction.

Everywhere I went people knew nothing about my Louts Bonaparte. On this point I sent Meissner a note that was by no means courteous. He has not so far replied.

Liebknecht has written to me again about your Peasant War, which is to be printed as a propaganda piece. As, this time, the thing is appearing under the auspices of the Eisenach Central Authority, I would advise you to make the necessary corrections, and to send the thing in without delay. Since I shall probably have a rendezvous with Wilhelm in a few days, write to me by return about your intentions.

Feuerbach has written to Kapp in New York in a sense similar — mutatis mutandis — to that in which Ruge wrote about my book [Capital], and Kapp for his part has informed our Meyer in St Louis about the matter.

Jennychen has still not received an ordre de retour from her employers. The business is unpleasant. On the one hand, it is difficult to get away from here quickly. On the other, the change does the child a lot of good. She is looking really splendid.

Heartiest greetings to Mrs Burns and Tussychen.


K. M.