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Marx's Grundrisse: Footnotes

<"57">57. Ricardo, On the Principles of Political Economy, p. 3.

<"58">58. 'Middle-class': in English in the original text.

<"60">60. Ramsay, An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth, p. 43.

<"pagenote669">* It is clear that other aspects also enter in with the equalization of the rate of profit. Here, however, the issue is not the distribution of surplus value but its creation.

<"62">62. By de Quincey and Ramsay.

<"63">63. See Rossi, Cours d'économie politique, p. 370

<"64">64. Storch, Cours d'économie politique, Vol. I, p. 405.

<"65">65. Malthus, Definitions in Political Economy, pp. 237-8.

<"66">66. Adam Smith, Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations, Vol. II, pp. 197-8.

<"67">67. 'partir de son possesseur'. Storch, Cours d'économie politique, Vol. I, p. 405.

<"68">68. 'Use value': this ought to read 'exchange value'.

<"69">69. Cherbuliez, Richesse au pauvreté, pp. 14-15.

<"pagenote684">* Its size posited as permanent -- this does not concern us here at all, since the statement is true for a capital of any size. Capitals have different sizes. But the size of each individual equal to itself, hence, in so far as only its quality as capital is concerned, any size. But if we examine two capitals in comparison to each other, then the difference in their size introduces a relation of a qualitative characters. Size becomes itself a distinguishing quality. This is an essential aspect, of which size is only one single instance, of how the study of capital as such differs from the study of one capital in relation to another capital, or the study of capital in its reality.

<"70">70. Malthus, Definitions in Political Economy, pp. 237-8.

<"71">71. See Malthus, The Measure of Value, p. 33.

<"73">73. MacCulloch, The Principles of Political Economy, p. 300.

<"74">74. Ricardo, On the Principles of Political Economy, p. 26.

<"75">75. J.-B. Say, Traité d'économie politique, Vol. II, p. 430.

<"76">76. Sismondi, Nouveaux Principes d'économie politique, Vol. I, pp. 94-8.

<"77">77. The Economist, Vol. V, No. 219, 6 November 1847, p. 1271.

<"78">78. Ravenstone, Thoughts on the Funding System, p. 45.

<"79">79. Babbage, Traité sur l'économie des machines et des manufactures, pp. 20-21.

<"80">80. Andrew Ure (1778-1857) Scottish doctor, chemist, astronomer, apologist for the factory system of the early nineteenth century and opponent of the Factory Acts, Philosophie des manufactures, Brussels, 1836 (French translation of the 2nd edition, London, 1835), Vol. I, pp. 18-19.