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Letters of Marx and Engels 1848

Marx To Engels [233]
In Geneva

Source: MECW Volume 38, p. 177;
Written: 30 October 1848;
First published: in Der Briefwechsel zwischen F. Engels und K. Marx, 1913.

Cologne, about 29 or 30 October 1848

Dear Engels,

As your letter only arrived this evening, there is no time left to make enquiries about bills. I haven’t even time to go home. I send you the enclosed, which happens to be to hand and, in addition, a draft of 50 talers from Schulz on a citizen of Geneva [J Köhler] where you might also obtain help in other ways.

I sent 50 talers to you and Dronke in Paris a long time ago and at the same time sent your passport to Gigot in Brussels.

Since 11 October the paper has been appearing again, quite unchanged. It is not the time now to go into details, as haste is necessary. As soon as you can, write some news items and longer articles. Now that everyone save Weerth is away, Freiligrath having only joined us a few days ago, I am up to my eyes and unable to undertake work of a more detailed kind, and in addition the public prosecutor’s office is doing all it can to rob me of my time.

Write by return. Shall I send your underclothing, etc.? Plasmann ready to do so immediately. [234]

Your father has paid him, by the way.

By the way, your old man has written to Gigot asking where you are. He wants, so he says, to send you some money. I sent him your address.

K. Marx

[From Louis Schulz]
P. S. Should be obliged if you would open enclosed letter to J. Köhler by the Lake, or rue du Rhône, and deliver same, whereupon he will pay you 250 fr. for my account against sight draft on me. Friendly greetings.
Louis Schulz