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Marx and Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung June 1848

The Downfall of the Camphausen Government [80]

Source: MECW Volume 7, p. 107;
Written: on June 22, 1848;
First published: in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 23, June 23, 1848.

Cologne, June 22.

May the sun shine very clear
Once it, too, will disappear,
[from Ferdinand Raimund’s play Das Mädchen aus der Feenwelt oder der Bauer als Millionär]

and the sun of March 30, tinged by the hot blood of the Poles, has also set.[81]

The Camphausen Government has covered the counter-revolution with its liberal-bourgeois cloak. The counter-revolution now feels strong enough to shake off this irksome mask.

It is possible that the Government of March 30 will be followed for a few days by some untenable Government of the Left Centre. Its real successor will be the Government of the Prince of Prussia. Camphausen has the honour of having given the absolutist feudal party its natural boss and himself a successor.

Why pamper the bourgeois guardians any longer?

Are the Russians not standing on the eastern frontier and the Prussian troops on the western border? Have not shrapnel and lunar caustic prepared the Poles for the Russian propaganda campaign?

Have not all steps been taken to repeat in almost all Rhenish towns the bombardment of Prague?

Have not the Danish and Polish wars, and the many small clashes between the military and the people, provided the army with all the time and opportunity in the world to form itself into a brutal soldiery?

Is not the bourgeoisie tired of revolution? And is there not standing in the middle of the ocean the rock upon which the counter-revolution will build its church: England?

The Camphausen Government seeks to snatch a pennyworth of popularity, [Heine, Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen] to stir up public compassion by the assurance that it is making its exit from the stage of the state as a dupe. It certainly is a case of the deceived deceiver. [Lessing, Nathan der Weisse] Since it served the big bourgeoisie, it was compelled to try to cheat the revolution out of its democratic gains; in combating democracy it was forced to ally itself with the aristocratic party and become the tool of its counter-revolutionary aims. The aristocratic party is now strong enough to throw its protector overboard. Herr Camphausen has sown reaction as envisaged by the big bourgeoisie and he has reaped reaction as envisaged by the feudal party. One was the well-meant intention of the man, the other his evil fate. A penny’s worth of popularity for the disappointed man.

A penny’s worth of popularity!

May the sun shine very clear
Once it, too, will disappear!

But it will rise again in the East.