Lenin and lunacharsky

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V. I. Lenin and A. V. Lunacharsky
Correspondence, reports, documents

This 80th volume of the Literary Heritage publishes epistolary and other documentary materials that cover the relations between Lenin and Lunacharsky, their joint activities both in the pre-October period and during the years of Soviet power. Most of the materials are published for the first time.

The first section of the volume is the correspondence between Lenin and Lunacharsky (from 1905 to 1922). The correspondence is notable for the diversity and significance of the issues it touches on: from the most important problems of the philosophy of Marxism to the specific tasks of socialist construction. A special place is occupied here by the themes of culture, literature, art, science and public education.

The second section of the volume publishes 19 reports by Lunacharsky to Lenin (1919-1921) on trips to the front and to various cities of the Soviet Republic. Reports are the most valuable source for studying the era.

The third section of the volume is devoted to the topic "Lenin edits Lunacharsky's articles in the newspapers Vpered" and "Proletary" (1905). All the surviving articles of Lunacharsky with editorial corrections by Lenin are published here.

The volume ends with the fourth section, "Searchs and Reports", built on unpublished material. This includes, in particular, documents about the first meeting between Lenin and Lunacharsky and about the beginning of their joint activities (December 1904), Lunacharsky's letters from the Stuttgart Congress (1907), materials about Lunacharsky's meeting with Lenin on the eve of the Bolsheviks' departure from emigration to Russia (1917).

The volume contains more than one hundred and fifty illustrations (autographs, portraits, drawings, etc.); many of them are published for the first time.


Lenin and Lunacharsky. Article by V. R. Shcherbina

I. Correspondence between Lenin and Lunacharsky


Letters (1905-1917)

Letters and documents (1917-1922)


  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Second half of July
  2. Lunacharsky to Lenin. June 19/July 2
  3. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 5/18
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 14/27
  5. Lenin to Lunacharsky. July 19/August 1
  6. Lenin to Lunacharsky. July 20/August 2
  7. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Between July 20/August 2 and August 3/16
  8. Lunacharsky to Lenin. After July 21/August 3

9 Lunacharsky to Lenin. Between July 20/August 2 and August 3/16

  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Between 3/16 and 6/19 August
  2. Lunacharsky to Lenin. August 3/16
  3. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Between 4/17 and 6/19 August
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Between 6/19 and 9/22 August
  5. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Between August 9/22 and August 23/September 5
  6. Lenin to Lunacharsky. End of August

16 Lunacharsky to Lenin. Last days of August

  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Between August 16/29 and September 1/14
  2. Lenin to Lunacharsky. September 28/October 11


  1. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Between October 20/November 2 and October 29/November 11


  1. Lenin to Lunacharsky. December 31, 1907 / January 13
  2. Lenin to Lunacharsky. January 2/15
  3. Lenin to Lunacharsky. January 20/February 2
  4. Lenin to Lunacharsky. January 31/February 13
  5. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Gorky to Lunacharsky February 12/25
  6. Lenin to Lunacharsky. February 14/27
  7. Lenin to Lunacharsky. April 3/16


  1. Lenin to Lunacharsky. March, no later than 12/25
  2. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. November 2/15, 1917

29 Lenin to Lunacharsky. Mandate for the appointment of Lunacharsky People's Commissar for Education. November 18th

  1. Lenin to Lunacharsky. 9th December
  2. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. December 23


  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Early 1918

33 Lunacharsky - To the Council of People's Commissars. February 26/13

34 Lunacharsky - To the Council of People's Commissars and Lenin's resolution. March 7/February 22

35 Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's resolution. 9th of March

36 Resolutions of Lenin and Lunacharsky on the petition of the Director of the Institute of Civil Engineers. 9th of March

  1. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. March, no later than 10
  2. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. April 9
  3. Lenin to Lunacharsky. may 13
  4. Lunacharsky To the Small Council of People's Commissars and Lenin's inscription. Between 16 and 30 May
  5. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars and Lenin's resolution. 22nd of May

42 Lunacharsky to the Small Council of People's Commissars. May 28

  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 12 June
  2. Lenin - To the Commissariats of Public Education and the Property of the Republic. June 15
  3. Gorbunov to Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). 21st of June
  4. Gorbunov to Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). 21st of June
  5. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. 21st of June
  6. Lunacharsky to Gorbunov. June 26
  7. Lenin to Lunacharsky. 27th of June
  8. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 8
  9. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 10
  10. Lenin to Lunacharsky. July, 12
  11. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July, 12
  12. Lenin - Lunacharsky (exchange of notes). July, 12
  13. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 24 August
  14. Lenin - Lunacharsky (exchange of notes). August, 26th
  15. Lenin to Lunacharsky. August, 26th
  16. Lunacharsky to Lenin. August 27
  17. Lunacharsky to Lenin. The inscription on the letter of V. E. Tatlin. End of August
  18. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. 10 September
  19. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Mid September
  20. Lenin to Lunacharsky. September 18
  21. Lunacharsky to Lenin. September 19
  22. Lunacharsky to Lenin. September 20
  23. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 23 September
  24. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. October, not earlier than 6
  25. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 28 of October
  26. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 11th of November
  27. Lunacharsky to Lenin. December, no later than 14
  28. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. December, no later than 21
  29. Lunacharsky to Lenin. December 26
  30. Lunacharsky to Lenin. December 30th


  1. Lunacharsky's secretary to Lenin (on behalf of the people's commissar). January 30
  2. Lunacharsky to Lenin. February 4

75 Lunacharsky - To the Administration of the Council of People's Commissars. February 5th

  1. Lunacharsky - In the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and Lenin's inscriptions. April 15
  2. Lunacharsky - In the Central Committee of the RCP (b). April 15-16
  3. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Copy to Sklyansky and Danilov. May 11
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Copies to Tsyurupe and Stalin. May 11
  5. Lenin to Lunacharsky. May, after 12
  6. Lenin to Lunacharsky. May 15
  7. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 16th of May
  8. Lunacharsky - to Lenin, Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council and the People's Commissariat. 22nd of May
  9. Lunacharsky to Lenin. May 30
  10. Lunacharsky - To the Administration of the Council of People's Commissars. the 9th of June
  11. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. June 14
  12. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July, 12
  13. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 21 July
  14. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. August 18
  15. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. August 22
  16. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. August 23
  17. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. August, 26th
  18. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscriptions. September 3
  19. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 29th of October
  20. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 24
  21. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 26
  22. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. December 19th
  23. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. December 24
  24. Lenin to Lunacharsky and Lenin's inscriptions. December, until 25
  25. Lunacharsky to Lenin. December 26
  26. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. Not later than 31 December
  27. Lunacharsky to Lenin


  1. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. Mid January
  2. Lenin and Lunacharsky on the anniversary of A. I. Herzen. January 17
  3. Lenin to Lunacharsky. January 18
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's resolution with Dzerzhinsky's reply. January 21
  5. Lunacharsky - To the Moscow City Council. Copy to Lenin. January 23
  6. Lunacharsky - To the Moscow City Council. Copy to Lenin. January, not earlier than January 24
  7. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. February 2
  8. Lunacharsky to Lenin. February 5th
  9. Lunacharsky to Lenin. February 10
  10. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. February 16
  11. Lunacharsky - To the Council of Labor and Defense. February 27
  12. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 5th of March
  13. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's resolution. 5th of March
  14. Lenin - Lunacharsky. Exchange of notes. Between March 1st and 6th
  15. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March 8
  16. Lenin to Lunacharsky (assignment to the secretary). March 8
  17. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March 16
  18. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March 17
  19. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. March 23
  20. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March 27
  21. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March 27
  22. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. March 29
  23. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March, April
  24. Lenin to Lunacharsky (Lenin's inscriptions and notes on Gorky's letter of April 2). Not earlier than April 3
  25. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Not earlier than April 3
  26. Lunacharsky to Lenin. April 6
  27. Lunacharsky to Lenin. April 6
  28. Lunacharsky to Lenin. April 8
  29. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Resolution and underlining of Lenin. April 15
  30. Lenin to Lunacharsky. April 16 or 17
  31. Lenin to Lunacharsky and to the Small Council of People's Commissars. April 19
  32. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. April 27
  33. Lunacharsky to Lenin. April 28
  34. Lenin to Lunacharsky and Narkomprod. April 29
  35. Lunacharsky to Lenin. May 3
  36. Lunacharsky to Lenin. May 3
  37. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 16th of May
  38. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. June 18
  39. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. June 18
  40. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 21st of June
  41. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's answers. June, 22
  42. Lunacharsky to Lenin. June 23
  43. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 2
  44. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 7
  45. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 10
  46. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 13
  47. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. 21 July
  48. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 22
  49. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 26 July
  50. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 28th
  51. Lenin to Lunacharsky. August 4
  52. Lunacharsky to Lenin. August, until 11
  53. Lunacharsky to Lenin on August 11
  54. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Mandate. August 14
  55. Lunacharsky to Lenin on August 14

158 Lenin to Lunacharsky and Pokrovsky. 16 of September

  1. Lenin to Lunacharsky and Pokrovsky. September 17
  2. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. October 7th
  3. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. October 8
  4. Lunacharsky - To the Politburo. October 8
  5. Lenin to Lunacharsky in a letter to G. F. Grinko. 29th of October
  6. Lunacharsky to Lenin. October 30
  7. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's answers. End of October, not earlier than October 21
  8. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. the 3rd of November
  9. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 5
  10. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 12
  11. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 20 November
  12. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 20 November

171 Lenin to Lunacharsky. Copies to Litkens, Solovyov, Krestinsky. 29th of November

  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 9th December
  2. Lunacharsky to Lenin. December 13th


  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 5 January

175 Lenin to Lunacharsky and Litkens. January 14

176 Academy of Sciences - To the Council of People's Commissars with the resolutions of Lenin, Lunacharsky and Gorbunov. January 21

  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Tsyurupa. February 2
  2. Lunacharsky to Lenin. February 9th
  3. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Copies to Pokrovsky and Litkens. The 14th of February
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin. February 19
  5. Lunacharsky to Lenin. February 22
  6. Lunacharsky - In the Council of People's Commissars. February 22
  7. Lunacharsky to Lenin. February 26
  8. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March 4
  9. Gorbunov to Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). March 8

186. Lunacharsky to Gorbunov (for Lenin). 9th of March

  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 21 March
  2. Lenin to Litkens. Copies to Pokrovsky and Lunacharsky. March 27
  3. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscriptions. March 29
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's emphasis. April 2
  5. Lenin to Lunacharsky. April 8
  6. Lenin to Lunacharsky. April 9
  7. Gorbunov - Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). April 11
  8. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 12th of April
  9. Lunacharsky to Lenin. April 13
  10. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. April 13
  11. Gorbunov to Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). 14th of April
  12. Lunacharsky to Preobrazhensky, copy to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. April 15
  13. Gorbunov - Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). April 23
  14. Lenin - Lunacharsky. Exchange of notes. the 6th of May
  15. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 12 May
  16. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 12 May

203 Chicherin to Lenin (with a letter from Lunacharsky attached) and Lenin's reply. may 13

  1. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. May 17
  2. Lunacharsky to Lenin. May 31
  3. Lunacharsky to Lenin. June 3
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin. June 14
  5. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars (unsent letter). June 24
  6. Lunacharsky to Lenin. June 25
  7. Lunacharsky, Pokrovsky - Gorbunov (for Lenin). June 28
  8. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 2
  9. Lunacharsky to the Central Committee of the RCP and to Lenin. July 11
  10. Gorbunov to Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). July 13
  11. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Kiselev. 26 July
  12. Management of the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars - Lunacharsky. July 27
  13. Lunacharsky to manage the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars. August 2
  14. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Copies to Litkens, Molotov, Kiselev. August 3rd
  15. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. August 4
  16. Lunacharsky - to Lenin (through the administration of the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars) and Lenin's inscription. 12th of August
  17. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 25-th of August
  18. Lenin - Lunacharsky. August, 26th
  19. Lenin to Lunacharsky. September 3
  20. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Copies to Molotov, Litkens, Pokrovsky and Lenin's inscription. September 7
  21. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's note to the secretary. September, not earlier than 10
  22. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and the inscriptions, underlining of Lenin. 11 September
  23. Lenin to Lunacharsky. Copy to Litkens. 12-th of September
  24. Lunacharsky to Lenin. September 13
  25. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. The 4th of October
  26. Lenin to Lunacharsky. 22 of October
  27. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's reply. October 24
  28. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's reply. the 25th of October
  29. Lunacharsky to Lenin. October 26
  30. Lenin - Lunacharsky. Exchange of notes. Nov. 1
  31. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 2
  32. Lenin to Lunacharsky. November 2
  33. Lenin to Lunacharsky. 15th of November
  34. Lunacharsky to Lenin and Lenin's note. 15th of November
  35. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 19
  36. N. S. Lepeshinskaya - Lunacharsky (on behalf of Lenin). November 19
  37. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 23
  38. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 24
  39. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 25
  40. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 28
  41. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Until December 1
  42. Lunacharsky's secretary to Lenin on behalf of the people's commissar. December 2nd
  43. Lunacharsky - to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. December 3
  44. Lenin to Lunacharsky, Pokrovsky, Litkens. December 17
  45. Lenin to Lunacharsky, Pokrovsky, Litkens. December 17
  46. Lunacharsky to Lenin. December 22
  47. Lunacharsky - Lenin. December 29th


  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. January 11
  2. Lenin to Gorbunov with instructions from Lunacharsky. January 14
  3. Lunacharsky to Lenin. January 16
  4. Lunacharsky to Lenin. Between 12 and 17 January
  5. Lunacharsky - To the Small Council of People's Commissars. 1st of February
  6. Lunacharsky to Lenin with Lenin's note. March 4
  7. Lunacharsky to Lenin. March 13
  8. Lenin to Smolyaninov for Lunacharsky, Pokrovsky, Rykov, Tsyurupa. May 17
  9. Lunacharsky to Lenin. October 18
  10. Lunacharsky to Lenin. October 19
  11. Lunacharsky to Lenin. October 31
  12. Lenin - Lunacharsky. Exchange of notes. October 31
  13. Lunacharsky to Lenin. November 8
  14. Lunacharsky to Lenin. 10th of November


  1. Lunacharsky to Lenin. July 19, 1918

II. Reports of Lunacharsky to Lenin (1919-1921)

Reports from Yaroslavl and Kostroma

Lunacharsky's report to Lenin. May 9, 1919

Lunacharsky's report to Lenin. May 11, 1919

Lunacharsky's report to Lenin and Rykov. May, the last days of 1919

Lunacharsky's report to Lenin and Rykov. May 31, 1919

Lunacharsky's report to Lenin. July 1, 1919

Report on the Galich and Bui groups of communists of the Central Committee of the RCP (June 1919)

To the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP comrade. Stasova (about the party organization in Nerekhta, June 1919)

To the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP comrade. Stasova (on the Kostroma organization of communists, June 1919)

Lunacharsky's articles written in Yaroslavl and Kostroma for ROSTA and for the local press: "Letters from the provinces"; "In Kostroma"; "Urban economy of the city of Kostroma"; "Types"; "Kostroma peasantry"; "People's Education in Kostroma"; "From provincial impressions (Lokalovskaya manufactory)"; "Children's clubs in Kostroma"

Appeals: "To all the peasants of the Yaroslavl province."

"To all party organizations of the Yaroslavl province"

Lunacharsky on the fronts of the civil war and in the frontline areas

General report on the trip to the front. October 28 - November 14, 1919

Lunacharsky's report to Lenin. Kharkov, MAY 6, 1920

Lunacharsky's report to Lenin and Lenin's inscription. A brief account of the general political situation in the Nikolaev and Odessa provinces. May 1920

Report. Rostov-on-Don, August 18, 1920

Report. Rostov-on-Don. August 20, 1920

Report. Rostov-on-Don. August 24, 1920

Report. Novocherkassk. August 28, 1920

Report. Rostov-on-Don. August 30, 1920

Article for ROSTA. South

Reports from Ryazan, Tambov and Saratov

Report on work in Ryazan. January 29, 1921

Report on work in Tambov. February 2, 1921

Lunacharsky - Stalin. Direct wire conversations

Report on the Saratov work. February 14, 1921

III Lenin edits Lunacharsky's articles in the newspapers Vperyod and Proletary (1905)

Editorial correction by Lenin in Lunacharsky's articles in the newspapers Vperyod and Proletary (1905)

Announcement of the publication of the newspaper "Forward"

"Doubts of the double-headed eagle"

"Essays on the history of the revolutionary struggle of the European proletariat"

"Hard course"

Correspondence from Petersburg

"Bankruptcy of the police regime"

"How St. Petersburg Workers Went to the Tsar"

"Revival of the Orthodox Church"

"Mass political strike"

"Centenary of Mazzini in Rome"

The Paris Commune and the Tasks of the Democratic Dictatorship

"Japanese Victory and Social Democracy"

"Parliamentarism and Revolution"

"Parliament and Its Significance"

"Flowers of liberal verbiage"


Lunacharsky's preface to the proposed publication of his articles from the newspapers "Forward" and "Proletary"


Letter from M. S. Olminsky to Lunacharsky. August 1905


List of Lunacharsky's articles published in the Vperyod newspaper


List of Lunacharsky's articles published in the Proletariy newspaper


List of Bolshevik newspapers and magazines in which Lenin and Lunacharsky collaborated from 1905 to 1917

VI. Searches and messages

Lunacharsky's first performance in Geneva (December 24, 1904)

Lunacharsky on Lenin at the Stuttgart Congress

Lunacharsky's speech in January 1917 in Geneva at a rally in memory of January 9, 1905

Lunacharsky about Lenin on the eve of his return to Russia (March-April 1917).

Lunacharsky's speech at the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies on May 22/June 4, 1917

Lenin's notes on the report of Lunacharsky at the III session of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the 7th convocation (September 26-27, 1920)

"Great Plan"

From the history of Gorky publishing houses: "World Literature" and "Publishing House 3. I. Grzhebin"

The struggle of realists and futurists in VKHUTEMAS (new materials)

Lenin about Korolenko


Lunacharsky. From unpublished memoirs about V. I. Lenin

Autobiography of Lunacharsky